Adapted from Kaplan SAT Premier 2017 Chapter 17


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Presentation transcript:

Adapted from Kaplan SAT Premier 2017 Chapter 17 Rhetoric Adapted from Kaplan SAT Premier 2017 Chapter 17

Rhetoric Questions: Analyzing Purpose Rhetoric = the language the author uses to persuade or influence the reader Why did the author write this passage? What does the author want the reader to think after reading the passage? May focus on the entire work or a small section of that work.

Rhetoric Questions: Analyzing Point of View Is the author’s tone positive, negative or neutral? Does the author want things to change or stay the same? Is the author addressing supporters of his/her point of view or people who are in opposition of his/her point of view?

Rhetoric Questions: Analyzing Word Choice How does a particular word or phrase your understanding of the author’s point of view (denotation/connotation)? Was the word/phrase used to…. Set a mood? Convey an emotion? Build a conclusion? Call the reader to action? State an opinion?

Rhetoric Questions: Analyzing Text Structure Overall text structure How the information is organized Cause/Effect Compare/Contrast Sequence Problem/Solution Description Part/Whole relationships How a part of the selection (sentence, quotation, paragraph) relates to the overall text

Rhetoric Questions: Analyzing Arguments Three Types Rhetoric Questions: Analyzing Arguments

Claims and Counterclaims Claim = thesis or main point Counterclaim = opposite of the claim EXAMPLE… Claim- Although they are traditionally seen as a distraction, students should be able to bring cell phones to school because digital literacy can be used for educational purposes. Counterclaim- Students should not be able to bring cell phones to school because they could use them to communicate during a test as well as use them for other non-academic purposes.

Assess Reasoning Reasoning is the list of supports for the claim and counterclaim. Is the author’s reasoning sound or true and valid?

Analyze Evidence Evidence = facts, reasons, statistics, etc. What is the author’s purpose for using particular pieces of evidence?


Go to pages 405-410 of the text. Review the techniques from this presentation to answer the questions. Discuss the process and answers with your teacher. Complete the exercises on pages 411-416 as if it is Test Day. Review the answers with your teacher.