Welcome to Mrs. Treglio’s Math Class
Grading Policy Homework/Class Work Usually around 4 points an assignment Tests & Quizzes Tests anywhere from 60-100 points and Quizzes from 15-40 points Please view your child’s grades regularly. Keep in mind that grades fluctuate greatly at the beginning of each quarter. Once enough grades are entered in each category, overall grade averages will stabilize.
Textbooks M2 Algebra 1 –Bellman, Bragg, Chalres, Hall, Handlin, and Kennedy. Algebra 1 Prentice Hall Mathematics Pearson 2009. M3 Algebra 2 – Bellman, Bragg, Chalres, Hall, Handlin, and Kennedy. Algebra 2 Prentice Hall Mathematics Pearson 2009. M2 Geometry – Carter, Cuevas, Day, Malloy and Cummins. Geometry McGraw-Hill Glencoe 2014.
Throw Back Thursdays On some Thursdays, not all, students will be given “Do Nows” of 5 quick questions that will cover from the beginning of the year to our current curriculum. These may/may not end up being graded. Purpose: To have a quick snap shot of a student’s understanding for both the student and teacher. To remediate any misconceptions students may have. Students will maintain knowledge throughout the year so the material on the midterms and finals will stay fresh in their minds.
Technology in the Classroom Several apps and sites will be utilized in the classroom this coming year. They include, but are not limited to: Kahoot Google Sites Other These are going to be used to gather as much informative data in a variety of ways and remind students in a quick effective manner about class information.
Announced Assessments Students will have notice of announced quizzes and tests days in advance. Purpose: To have students display mastery of the material in the unit. Students are not allowed to improve their announced quiz or test scores. Students will be given advanced notice of tests. There will suggested review for each assessment as well as additional resources they can use online.
Homework Policy Assigned most nights Usually due the next school day Late assignments are not accepted Effort over correctness Each homework assignment is either a score of 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 based upon amount completed.
Absences Excused absences - Students have two days to make up missed work if they have an excused absence. Unexcused absences – Students will earn a zero for all material due and covered the day missed. Including assessments. Extended absences – arrangements in private. It is the responsibility of the student to ask for missed work and hand in make up work. Assignments will remain with a grade of 0 until students submit missing work.
HELP!!! Call a friend Check website Website can be found on the NCHS website by going to teacher sites, directory and then my name. See Mrs. Treglio for extra help. Availability posted on website. E-mail Mrs. Treglio shannon.treglio@ncps-k12.org
What’s Happening? We are a team! Always feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail to find out what’s happening. I might take up to a school day to reply. We are a team!