Mr. Bruhnke, San Pedro High School, Room 223; ECONOMICS SYLLABUS Mr. Bruhnke, San Pedro High School, Room 223;
Course Description The major purpose of this one-semester course is to provide a comprehensive study of the basic institutions, concepts, principles, and practices of economics. Instruction covers basic economic concepts that underlie the United States market system and its operations. Instructional units apply these concepts at both the micro- and macro- levels; promote informed voter and consumer decision making; provide information about major economic theories and prominent economists; and emphasize how economics influences the lives of ordinary citizens. In addition, the course investigates the complex political and economic issues confronting national, state, and local governments. The course also includes an analysis of the American free enterprise system through a study of comparative economics. Included in instruction are measurement concepts and methods involving tables, charts, graphs, ratios, percentages, and index numbers
California State Standards The objectives of this course are in alignment with the following State Social Science Standards: 12.1 Students understand common economic terms and concepts and economic reasoning 12.2 Students analyze the elements of America’s market economy in a global setting 12.3 Students analyze the influence of the federal government on the American economy 12.4 Students analyze the elements of the U.S. labor market in a global setting 12.5 Students analyze the aggregate economic behavior of the U.S. economy 12.6 Students analyze issues of international trade and explain how the U.S. economy affects, and is affected by, economic forces beyond the United States
Methods: Various teaching methods will be employed, including lecture and note-taking, projects and presentations, participation and group interaction, to actively engage students in the learning process.
Homework: Homework will be assigned approximately two to three nights a week, thus allowing for review of class presentations and preparation for class interactions. No late work will be accepted for full credit, unless due to an excused absence. (NOTE: School activities are not considered an “absence”, and therefore are not an acceptable reason for work to be turned in after its due date.) Current events, due every Thursday orFriday, will not be accepted late, regardless of reason. Other late work will be accepted for half credit, only during the unit to which it applies. Work missed due to truancy will not be available for makeup. Work Habits grade will reflect homework completed.
Attendance and Participation: Students will be held accountable to the SPHS attendance policy, and will also be expected to arrive prepared and on time to class each day. Class attendance is very important, not only for class notes taken for test preparation, but also because active participation is an important step in the learning process.
Tests Tests will be given upon completion of each unit, approximately every 2-3 weeks. Tests will always be announced, and a test review session will be provided to aid students in their preparation.
Service Learning Requirement According to LAUSD policy, beginning with the Class of 2007, students will complete a service-learning experience integrated into the curriculum of an academic course, in order to graduate from high school. Service-learning is a teaching/learning strategy in which students learn and develop through active participation in high quality service that meets the needs of a community, and is integrated into and enhances a rigorous academic curriculum. At San Pedro High School, this requirement will be offered through a political service project in their 12th grade Government course. Teachers will provide students and parents with detailed information regarding the project. To repeat, this project is a mandatory condition of graduation for all of LAUSD. (Note - 2012 Status is TBD)
Grades Tests and quizzes will comprise approximately 50% of the student's grade. Homework, class work, projects and participation will make up the other 50%. Test grades and final grades will be figured based on points, using the semi-standard grading scale, below: A 100-90% B 89-80% C 70-70% D 69-55% Students are encouraged to visit often to view their progress, download assignments, and ascertain deadlines. If you do not know your password, please see me.
Text Economics: Principles and Practices By Gary Clayton, copyright 2005, Glencoe/McGraw Hill. All students will be assigned one textbook for which they will be held responsible ($65.00 replacement value). Students are required to bring their covered textbook to class on time every day.
Communication with Parents/Guardians: Students will be required to take home progress reports. In addition, the instructor may be reached by e-mail at; parents and students are encouraged to regularly visit in order to monitor academic progress and receive critical information on assignments, test dates, etc.