Say “yes” to Assessment is for Learning Important time for you as you start to make subject choices which will impact on what happens after you leave school although it all seems so very far away…. I’m going to try and show you how useful languages are not just for any future jobs, but for you on a personal level. It might be really hard for you to see that right now – but it’s true. I know that later today you’ll be hearing from several speakers who can show you how languages have helped them in specific careers, or what the opportunities are with languages if you study them at uni, so I’m going to show you that WHATEVER you decide to do, be it engineering, be it acting, be it banking, be it professional sports - having knowledge of another language will really help – and, what’s more, it’ll be FUN!
What is AiFL? Clarity of learning aims What success looks like Timely feed back/peer feedback Self-assessment Questioning techniques/plenary Reflection and next steps in learning Which of these are fact or fiction? 1. Everyone speaks English? FACT or FICTION? What percentage of the world’s population does not speak any Engliah? REVEAL 75% …. 2. Scotland doesn’t need languages to improve its economy. FACT or FICTION? How much income are Scottish businesses losing every year due to a lack of people with language skills? REVEAL £0.5 billion 3. Employees with language skills earn more than colleagues without language skills. FACT OR FICTION? In percentage terms, how much more could you earn if you have language skills? REVEAL: Up to 20% more, in certain jobs.
Task Think of one Aifl strategy you have used in your classroom. Write it on your “show me board” – be ready to share STUDENT DISCUSSION it matters because you’ll be 22-24 and either already working or trying to get your first job. And it’s not going to be easy; it’s going to be a very different world from the one your parents experienced at the same age, and even from the today’s world. More and more jobs are going to be highly skilled, i.e. professional jobs requiring the best skills.
Strategies Learning intentions – clear, shared, involved, purpose? Success criteria – students setting their own, discussing Displayed Noted down Verbalised Numbered/Pictorial
Checking for Understanding Show me boards – draw a character/ picture/write a sentence Ball throwing – teacher and student Dice throwing and “say it” or numbered tasks/questions Random cards Think pair share Mix pair freeze Inner/Outer circle Four corners Mastermind Creating a piece of work Find the odd one out
No hands Lolly pop sticks Question eggs Thought balloons Give the answer – get student to guess the question Post it notes/show me boards – peer questioning Ball throwing/ in room/student in the circle Higher order – link to Bloom’s Taxonomy The importance of the plenary
Feedback should feed forward! Checked against success criteria Discuss in groups Peer feedback / peer assessment cards Post it notes Coloured dot stickers – linked to colour code Individual – teacher/student Individual – student/student student/teacher
Self and Peer-assessment, Evaluation Measured against success criteria Use to plan for progress and next steps Two stars and a wish What went well, what could have gone better? Show me five Comment wall –today I have… I will…….. Sum up your learning today in 5 words Learning journal – class/individual Choose a picture to represent your learning
Reflection What skills for learning did you use? How did learning feel? What could feel better? Where are you, where are you going and how will you get there? Keep a class/individual learning journal Exit passes and comment walls
Technology in Aifl Name randomiser Twitter Class learning blog Edmodo – comments on lesson/class forum Flipped learning – You Tube Class Pinterest boards
Task – use your tools Get into pairs or groups of three Select a prop/tool Discuss how you would use it in Aifl in your Chinese lesson Share with the group or demonstrate if you wish Questions and thoughts – group discussion
Final thoughts Chinese Aifl handbook – strategies and techniques Examples of lessons – flipped CLPL Sharing of practice for Aifl in the Chinese Classroom XIE XIE !