Launching Better Together Groups Fall Forward Launching Better Together Groups
Above all… Transformation over Information Relating over Educating
Types of Groups Wesleyan Distinctive Varied types/targets Societies Classes Bands Might Look Like: Affinity Groups Formational/practices Disciple Bible Studies Affinity: (people who have something in common. Pray for each other. Might use Growing Deeply Guide. Semester. Junius Dotson – in see all the people writes that we need more groups like this… Groups you can invite people to that don’t attend church....
Group Duration Semester-Based (bound; start and stop) Year Long Three-Year Long One-on-one relationships Varied group duration Beauty of the break – rest and gear up
Location In Community (restaurants, coffee shops, community centers, be creative!) In Homes (can be one home the duration or rotate homes) At Missouri we pray to have groups meeting all over Columbia (north, south, east and west). At Church
Group System – Four F’s (based on Nelson Searcy’s Activate) Focus March, July and November Form Mid-March to mid-April, mid-July to mid- August, and mid-November to mid-December. Fill Promotion months mid- January to mid- February, mid-May to mid-June and September Facilitate February, June, and October. Handouts: Searcy 4Fs--Calendar
Focus Determine the philosophy, strategy, goals and calendar for your upcoming small group semester. (July) Offer 5 new groups; 3 of which will be affinity groups. (in the works: grief support, entrepreneurs, family with toddler play dates)
Form Create invites to facilitate through email followed by conversation. Follow up with facilitators about who shows promise as a future facilitator. Ideally, an apprentice becomes a facilitator. Pre-launch meetings (cast vision, Q&A) Better Together (head, heart, hands) Call To Action Card Example of invite to facilitate email Handout What to Say to a servant Handout Group Request Form Handout Vision Brochure 2016 Pre-launch meeting (Q
Fill (Ways to Invite People to Participate/Promote) Give multiple ways to sign up. Facilitators invite people to participate. People who sign up to participate, invite their friends. Video Transformation Stories of Participants and Facilitators Group Booklet or Catalog (hard copy and online) Blessing the Facilitators in Worship
New Fill Efforts Say Yes Board 8/27 Better Together Group Fair 8/27 Groups start the week of Sunday, September 10
Facilitate Begin and maintain groups, while equipping and encouraging leaders. Huddles Facilitator check-ins Best Practical Facilitator Helps – “Leading LIfe-Changing Small Groups” by Bill Donahue
Multiplying Apprentice: Key to Multiplication Exponential: How You and Your Friends Can Start a Missional Church Movement (Exponential Series) by Dave Ferguson and Jon Ferguson
Start now…it’s not too late Focus Write one or two goals for groups at your church.
Pre-Launch Meetings at Missouri UMC Wednesday, July 19; 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesday, July 25; 6:30-8 p.m.
Further Support 573-443-3111