Why Should We Study the OT? OT is God’s law for Israel and in the OT God foretold the time when He would make a new covenant or testament (Jeremiah 31:31-34) The NT is built upon the OT (foundation of NT). St. Augustine said: “The OT is the concealed NT, and the NT is the revealed OT .” The promises and prophecies of the OT are fulfilled in the NT. Neither one would be complete without the other. The OT teaches us how God deals with men. The OT teaches us that God’s spiritual blessings are granted only to His obedient children, the righteous are rewarded, and the wicked are punished.
What are the five books of Moses? Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
The five books …….? “Torah” = “Instruction” or “Law”. The five- fifths of the law; each book is a unit but the five together form a larger unit. The five books form a backbone for the of the Old and New Testaments theologically. Contain chronological and theological progression of God's creation (universe, earth & man) and plan for salvation after the fall (disobedience).
The Holy Book of Genesis? The creation of the universe and man, the fall of man, God's promise of salvation, the blessing God gave to Abraham and his children:
The holy book of Exodus? The redemption of His children out of bondage and making His people a nation with a Godly Constitution (law).
The Holy book of Leviticus? Israel's culture is founded by providing a manual for God’s law to help with their needs when approaching God (the Holy) who is dwelling among His people (Lev 26:11-12).
The holy book of Number? God instruct Israel's walk (the military arrangement, census of the tribes, transport of the sacred tabernacle). However, Israel messed up the Lord instructions. Nevertheless, the promised blessing must be fulfilled
The holy book of Deuteronomy? The reconstitution of the nation under the Lord’s leadership to enter the promised land through a covenant renewal.
Authorship? The Bible (NT & OT) do give many references that Moses is the author: He was ordered to write historical facts (Ex 17:14; Num 33:1-2), laws (Ex 24:4, 7; 34:27ff) and one poem (Deut 31:9, 22). Moses is affirmed as author in the rest of the Old Testament: (Joshua 1:7-8; 8:32, 34; 22:5; I Kings 2:3; II Kings 14:6; 21:8; Ezra 6:18; Dan 9:11-13; Mal 4:4). The New Testament refers to Moses as the author of the Holy Pentateuch (Matt 19:18; Mark 12:26; Luke 2:22; 16:29; 27; John 5:46-47; 7:19; Acts 13:39; Rom 10:5). Moses is testified to be the author of the Holy Five Books in a unanimous way in the Talmud and the Church Fathers!