Phase I and Phase 2 Funding Review Phase I / Phase II Review Fall 2015/ Spring 2016 Texas State IEEE Student Chapter Dr. Lawrence Larson:
Branch information IEEE Student Branch Officers: 50 active members Location: Roy F. Mitte Room 5210 601 University Dr, San Marcos TX, 78666 Officers: President: Alison Chan Email: Vice-President: Eli Bazan Email: Project Manager: Julie Bellefontaine Email: Treasurer: Anthony Lamme Email: Secretary: David Ikemba Email: All Officers Term: May 2015 – May 2016
Previous utilization of CTS funding Funding Received from CTS Phase I for Fall 2015 $ 1000.00 Use of 2015 CTS Funding R5 Conference -$ 230.87 Best Robotics -$ 0.00 Social Events -$ 198.19 Marketing Materials -$ 20.70 Remaining Phase I CTS Funding $ 550.24
Previous utilization of CTS funding Funding Received from CTS Phase II for Fall 2015 $ 1800.00 Use of 2015 CTS Funding R5 Conference -$ 0.00 Outreach Green Energy Prototyping Autonomous Vehicle Remaining Phase II CTS Funding
Projects R5 Conference Best Robotics Social Events Marketing Material Robotics Competition Travel Best Robotics Best Competition Volunteering Social Events General Meetings Morning Meeting Super Smash Bros Tournament Marketing Material Flyers Fundraising Outreach Green Energy Prototype Autonomous Vehicles
R5 Conference Region 5 Funding Total CTS funding: $ 960.00 Phase I $ 600.00 Phase II $ 360.00 Field Building Materials -$ 123.98 Encoder -$ 85.30 Image Sensor -$ 21.59 Remaining CTS Funds $ 230.87
Social Events Social Events Funding Total CTS funding: $ 200.00 Phase I $ 200.00 IEEE Student Branch First Meeting -$ 73.48 IEEE CS Branch First Meeting -$ 68.72 Morning Meeting -$ 28.52 Super Smash Brothers Tournament -$ 27.47 Remaining CTS Funds $ 1.81
Marketing Materials Marketing Materials Funding Total CTS funding: $ 100.00 Phase I $ 100.00 Square -$ 10.70 Student Organization Council Fee -$ 10.00 Remaining CTS Funding $ 79.30
Outreach Outreach Funding Total CTS Funding: $ 540.00 Phase II Clock workshop $ 58.42 Clocks $ 80.60 Remaining Funding $ 400.98 *Funding was used by Phase 1 money but will be documented as Phase II funded
Remaining Funds Remaining Fund Allocation Total CTS Funding: $ 1000.00 Best Robotics $ 100.00 Green Energy Prototype $ 360.00 Autonomous Vehicle $ 540.00 Best Robotics The Funding from Phase I was set aside for helping volunteers of BEST Robotics but was never used Funding will be used for helping students travel for the R5 competition Green Energy Prototype The project proposal process is underway currently IEEE Student Branch has 4 teams researching project designs for the Environmental Service Committee Autonomous Vehicle The project is currently in the designing process and will begin building and coding this coming semester.