TPO We will examine the importance of physical geography on South Asia using notes and an article. Essential question: How are physical features important to the populations of South Asia? Reflection: What are some of the physical features that affect our climate?
South Asia Physical Geography
Watch the video on India and write down FIVE facts about the geography of India.
South Asia is a subcontinent A large landmass that is smaller than a continent Contains 1/5 of the world’s population in an area half the size of the United States. 1,292,765,145 –India 323,265,102 –USA 7,402,753,200 –World
Himalaya Mountains A result of the Indian subcontinent colliding with Asia, providing evidence of the continental drift theory. Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak is located here.
The Himalaya, Karakoram, and Hindu Kush Ranges These three ranges together create the high wall of mountains that divide the subcontinent from the rest of Asia.
Other Mountain Ranges The Western and Eastern Ghats – Surround the Deccan Plateau. The Western Ghats create a rain shadow, keeping yearly rains from reaching the plateau leaving it very arid.
Major River Systems Rivers are the key to life in South Asia. Three major rivers systems – the Indus, the Brahmaputra, the Ganges. Their sources are found high in the Himalaya Mountains. All three carry fertile soil from the mountain slopes.
The Indus River The Indus mainly flows through Pakistan serves as an important transportation route. It is Pakistan’s main water supply One of the world’s earliest civilizations.
Ganges River The most important river of South Asia Sourced from a Himalayan glacier, it retains its size through the year, even during the hot dry season. During summer monsoon period, heavy rains can cause devastating floods.
Ganges River Named for the Hindu Goddess Ganga, the Ganges is revered by both Hindus and Buddhists. These waters are considered sacred. One of the most polluted rivers in the world due to population growth.
Ganges River Pollution What are two ways the Ganges River is being polluted?
Indo-Gangetic Plain, AKA the Ganges Plain The land area where the Ganges and Indus flow through. One of the most fertile farming regions in the world, it has been cleared of grasslands and forests to make way for crops such as rice, sesame, and sugarcane. This area is India’s most densely populated area.
Types of Climates
Monsoons Much of South Asia experiences three distinct seasons. Hot (late February to June) Wet (late June or July until September) Cool (October to late February) These periods depend on monsoons, seasonal winds that blow through this area. Cool Season – dry monsoon winds blow from the N to NE Hot Season – warm temps heat air, which rises and triggers a change in wind direction. Wet Season – Moist ocean air then moves in from the south and southwest, bringing monsoon rains.
Monsoon Video What were three things the video showed you about how monsoons affect the lives of Indians?
Assignment Read the article Be sure you can answer the following question: HOW HAS CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECTED THE POPULATIONS OF INDIA IN TERMS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY?