Simplified Reporting Initiative Approval of the First Nation-led Workshops Update and Next Steps September 2016
Overview: How We Got Here In 2008 “Measuring What Matters” exercise was conducted to examine and rationalize reporting requirements. In 2009 audit of reducing reporting efforts (2002 Officer of the Auditor General initial report and 2011 follow-up). In 2011-2012 a pilot project was conducted to look at extracting our information needs from the annual reports prepared by a number of First Nations (13 First Nations / Loucks Report). The Annual Report project was approved by the Deputy Minister in 2012: direct reduction of Data Collection Instruments (DCIs) and challenge function for collection and use of performance/results information. In 2012, the department conducted a Deputy Minister-led review of DCIs, resulting in a consolidation/reduction from 119 to 51 (57%) in 2013-2014 reporting requirements. A further reduction from 51 to 33 (35%) occurred between 2013-2014 and 2016-2017. In 2014 consultations were held with First Nations across the country to further examine the nature of the reporting burden and discuss solutions to eliminate redundant reports; reported out to RO SMC, Operations Committee, etc. In 2016, IMB implemented a more robust challenge function of program-generated data collection requirements for the 2017-2018 Reporting Guide.
What is the Simplified Reporting Initiative (SRI)? As funding recipients First Nations provide administrative, compliance and performance information to various organizations. First Nations have repeatedly stated that they find these reporting requirements a burden. The SRI is designed to address: The amount of information being submitted by First Nations; The challenges with submitting information; Technology issues both at INAC and in First Nation communities; Reporting frequency; and Information needs to support evidence-based decision-making and specific gaps related to Results and Delivery.
The Simplified Reporting Initiative: Objectives Three key streams / objectives identified: Data Elements – Determine with First Nations the essential minimum data elements required for program administration, compliance and performance measurement; Frequency – Determine a fixed reporting schedule based on risk; and Technology – Develop an effective technology solution for the collection and transfer of reporting data
Progress to Date 28 First Nations from Ontario, Atlantic, Quebec and British Columbia have been recruited in the pilot phase of the initiative. Modifications have been made to the INAC portal to allow it to manage all reporting requirements under the initiative. Paper reporting templates have been converted to electronic online forms for portal usage. A quarterly reporting schedule has been developed based on consultations with First Nations and the regions. The Information Branch reviews all DCI data fields annually with programs. The latest analysis by the Corporate Information Management Directorate compared the 2013/2014 and 2016/2017 reporting burden and revealed a 15% reduction in data fields that had to be completed by recipients.
Next Steps: Engagement - First Nation Partners as Champions First Nations will lead engagements to explore reporting requirements, with the purpose of: Discussing the reasons why data is collected from the perspective of First Nations and the federal government; Discussing how data can and is being used in a First Nation community/nation to measure performance, improve program delivery and accountability to members; Discussing how government uses data in policy and program development, Treasury Board submissions, evaluations, compliance activities, reports to Parliament and Canadians, in order to provide evidence-based decisions and ongoing improvements on investments in First Nations well-being; Identifying the reporting elements that are considered most important for First Nations planning and reporting; Seeking preliminary input from First Nation communities on elements of the draft Departmental Results Framework that must be implemented by November 1, 2017; and Identifying capacity and technological requirements for First Nations data collection, monitoring and reporting.
Engagement Approach: Regional Webinars and National Workshop The approach, led by the First Nations Information Governance Centre, would include: Regional Dialogues - to share work to date and discuss the Simplified Reporting Initiative (SRI). Outcome will be regional profiles that will be used for the national workshop and the final report; Online Workshops - will include an overview of SRI objectives, the role of data management and governance in planning and reporting; National Workshop - three day workshop that will cover: First Nation perspectives on minimal data elements and technology capacity issues; training on data ownership and privacy issues; use of data by the federal government; and Outcomes of Engagement - (1) profile of each of the participating communities in terms of current data governance and information management; (2) a reporting guide of data elements considered the most important from a First Nation perspective; (3) recommendations regarding technical requirements (hardware and software) in relation to short-term data governance (management, planning and reporting) and the longer term requirements to move to First Nation management of data requirements. Benefits: a comprehensive engagement process, led by First Nations; additional opportunities to employ a First Nation mentorship model, to inform and train First Nations participants, by First Nation experts, on information management and reporting issues; consensus building; and Establishes for First Nation pilots the relationship between the Simplified Reporting Initiative and the Policy on Results (July 1, 2016).
Workshops: Supporting a Broader Agenda Policy on Results (July 1, 2016): First Nation-led Workshops would provide an opportunity to: Engage First Nation communities on the achievement of results, including a discussion on outcomes, indicators, data elements and the technology required to support planning, managing and reporting; and Support the Department on the implementation on the Directive on Results (July 2016) that states that the Chief Information Officer must work “to ensure that the department has the necessary information technology applications and tools to support the timely collection and use of quality performance data by departments, including machine-readable qualitative information”. As a Second Wave Adopter of the Policy on Results, INAC has until November 1, 2017 to fully implement the policy and complete a Departmental Results Framework, Program Inventories, and Performance Information Profiles. Policy objectives: Improve the achievement of results across government; and Enhance the understanding of the results government seeks to achieve, does achieve, and the resources used to achieve them.
Workshops: Supporting a Broader Agenda Open Government - Open Information, Open Data, Open Dialogue: The SRI workshops will inform INAC’s implementation of Treasury Board Secretariat’s Directive on Open Government by advancing the conversations around open data, identifying First Nation data needs and the mutually beneficial minimum data elements to be collected by both the department and First Nations. Directive on Open Government Requirements ( Maximizing the release of Government of Canada open data (structured data) and open information (unstructured documents and multi-media assets) under an open and unrestrictive licence Ensuring that open data and open information is released in accessible and reusable formats via Government of Canada websites and services designated by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat. Establishing and maintaining comprehensive inventories of data and information resources of business value held by the department to determine their eligibility and priority, and to plan for their effective release. Developing, posting to the designated website (Open Canada portal), implementing, and annually updating a departmental Open Government Implementation Plan (OGIP) Maximizing the removal of access restrictions on departmental information resources of enduring value prior to transfer to Library and Archives Canada as part of planned disposition activities. Ensuring that open government requirements in previously outlined requirements above are integrated in any new plans for procuring, developing, or modernizing departmental information applications, systems, or solutions in support of the delivery of programs and services.
Workshops: Supporting a Broader Agenda Community Development: The First Nation led workshops employ the MOU on Community Development and the Community Development and Capacity Building Framework: First Nations will lead the workshops; First Nations will define their needs, meeting the objectives of the workshops, providing recommendations to INAC stakeholders; and First Nations will share best practices, building institutional capacities across Canada, finding solutions, by First Nations, for First Nations. MOU on Community Development (2013) – HC and INAC committed to work collaboratively to support Aboriginal community wellness and health, based on the principles of the Community Development Framework. Community Development and Capacity Building Framework – establishes a roadmap for departments to support healthy, successful and strong Aboriginal communities.