Evaluating and analyzing an advertisement LAY’S POTATO CHIPS Evaluating and analyzing an advertisement Deema Al-thukair 201300113
Outline Persuas-ion Tactics Back-ground Summa-ry The Effectiv-eness Ad. Effectiv-eness
Background The famous potato chips “Lay’s”. It’s 55 seconds long. It shows how delightful and enjoyable it is. It’s aimed to people of all ages, genders, income levels, and races.
Advertisement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5xC9E7sIck
Persuasion Tactics Testimonial: Mark Messier; Canadian hockey star Humor: At the end while getting the autographs. Catchy sounds: Crunch of the chips. Catchy phrase:
Reasoning Errors Appeal to pity: The kid asking for autograph scene. Fallacy: Missing an airplane just because of potato chips.
Effectiveness Very effective! The incredible use of persuasive techniques caught the attention. The variety of persuasive techniques made it interesting and not boring at all.
Summary 55 seconds long ad. about a delicious lay’s potato chips that is suitable to all people Used a lot of persuasive tactics such as testimonial, catchy phrases and sounds, and humor. It was effective because of the incredible and variable use of the tactics.