Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening September 14th 2017
Our Sixth Form Aims ‘Work hard, play hard, pray hard’ To ensure students maximise their potential To provide the best teaching possible To support students now and for their future To nurture and develop students within a Christian community
THE SCHOOL WEEK Two week timetable 27-30 hours of subject lessons Three assemblies per week 1 hour of Sixth Form R.E. Compulsory Games - Wednesday pm Floating tutor period
STUDY TIME Study periods in school Enlarged Study area in Sixth Form block Free classrooms in Sixth Form block New Study Centre with Learning Mentor ICT classrooms and Sports Science room Library
STUDY HABITS Quality and quantity !! 3 hours minimum per night… Quiet area at home Make use of Sixth Form Block (Study Club) Weekends - vital Not too much paid employment Avoid distractions (Xbox, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram…)
ESTABLISHING A ROUTINE Know what is expected Adjust to new teaching methods Set high standards Be organised Complete necessary reading and research Use the planner Record work and due date Plan what to do each night Meet deadlines Parent to sign weekly
KEYS TO SUCCESS Motivated Involved in class Seeks guidance Meets deadlines Reads widely Uses a wide range of resources Refers to specification and mark scheme Works towards challenging targets
UNFULFILLED POTENTIAL On the wrong course! Not transitioning to independent study Lack of focus, application and pride in work Failure to meet deadlines Inadequate communication with teachers Poor punctuality and attendance
Expectations, opportunities and privileges Targets (MEGs and AGs) Achievement and Behaviour codes Uniform – role models K+ and Pathways to Law Privileges Phones Signing out More flexible food service
Pastoral Care Pastoral team Bursaries – Mrs Dobbins Miss Elson, Head of Year 12 Form tutors (10 groups, c.20 students) Mrs Peters - Learning Mentor and Pastoral Support Officer Other support services and staff Bursaries – Mrs Dobbins
Year 12 Assessment Calendar November 3rd Academic Review 1 November 29th Main Parents’ Evening January 22nd Winter examinations March 5th School report issued April 17th Easter examinations May 4th Academic Review 2 Mid June Start of UCAS process June 20th University Info Evening
Community Life OAPs’ Christmas party School trips Charity work Retreats Open Evening – 28th Sept. Careers Day– 6th July Subject prefects Peer mentors Supervision of Yr 7/8 discos School trips Sports teams Music Chaplaincy Stage crew
A Three Way Contract Students/Parents/Campion Staff Work / life balance Prioritising Rising to demands of new study regime Communicating concerns - via parent portal Being supported and being supportive ‘Auctore Deo’ – ‘The Enterprise is of God’
Studying In The Sixth Form GCE Advanced Level Courses
A Levels Usually 3 subjects in Year 12 (Most have 2 modules per subject) Usually 3 subjects in Year 13 (Most have 2 further modules) A handful of exceptions to the above Opportunity to do Extended Project Qualif.
A Level reforms Since Sept 2015, examinations have progressively moved to a linear format (i.e. public exams at end of two years, not modular) Students no longer take AS examinations at Campion, as these have been de-coupled from A Levels (i.e. they are separate qualifications)
Public examinations - ‘new style’ Assessment: Summer session only Grades from A* to E Usually by written examination, except in subjects where other methods are appropriate (e.g.History, PE, Design or Computer Science)
Getting to know the course Students must make themselves aware of: Examination Board (OCR, AQA, EDEXCEL) Download specification Scheme of Work Methods of Assessment: Exams / Practicals / Coursework Unit weightings
Managing learning Ownership of learning and results Targets Minimum Expected Grades - MEGs Aspirational Grades - AGs Communication with teachers Asking the right questions Using feedback (verbal and written) How can I improve ?
Year 12 Assessment Calendar November 3rd Academic Review 1 November 29th Main Parents’ Evening January 22nd Winter examinations March 5th School report issued April 17th Easter examinations May 4th Academic Review 2 Mid June Start of UCAS process June 20th University Info Evening