Board item 19 15 September 2016 Report back from IFLA
Objectives and Outcomes Assess the future requirement for IFLA participation in future Clearer view Fact-finding through MLAs, IFLA HQ etc... Further conversations with international colleagues for joint working, partnership and sales opportunities President, Chair and Officer engagement Meetings with LIASA, MLAs, OCLC, Ashoka University Library Though recognition that this can take time Sell a positive message about the UK and the future of information services Flyer UK Caucus Note: Most difficult objective where no platform to do so Hold discussions with key stakeholders regarding RDA governance Possible recruitment of new RDA Board member for Latin America and the Caribbean Induction of CFLA rep Useful meetings about RDA communities in Latin America and the Caribbean and Asia.
Overview of Event
Satellite meetings International Quality Assessment of LIS Education Contributed paper on a possible model for developing an IFLA guideline for those assessing the quality of LIS education Useful partnership working with ALA and ALIA ALA, ALIA and CILIP agreed to review our agreement in place for the recognition of Academic Qualifications RDA Satellite conference Spoke about the new governance model for RDA Gained a lot of business intelligence Useful meeting with Ahava Cohen from National Library of Israel about Arabic translations Set up a meeting with the Library of Congress of Chile to discuss possible RDA Board membership
Opening ceremony Addresses from IFLA President and new IFLA Secretary General Opportunity for the host nation to celebrate their culture within the overall theme Committee worked with local fashion students to create a fashion-show slant on key topics
UK Caucus 20-25 attendees Useful networking opportunity Sponsorship from SAGE Speeches from Dawn, Nick, Caroline (SAGE) and Donna Scheeder, IFLA President
Management of Library Associations Gained useful insight into key activities being delivered by the section Currently more useful for the reports back from IFLA. Key messages: IFLA’s Global Vision (including the Library Map) Supporting UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Call to action / Reporting that the IFLA Trend Report had been updated Also reports from the Qatar and Polish Library Associations Associations meeting covered much of the same content, but also this quiz..............
Sessions Attended a range of sessions, may of which organised by the individual sections; including: Answering the call to action: responding to challenges in the IFLA Trend Report Guidelines for CPD: Principles and Best Practices Workshop A Call to Action: National Advocacy and the Implementation of the SDGs
UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals SBE and NP attended focussed meeting hosted by IFLA HQ Useful to discuss plans for promoting the SDGs and hear about Gates Funded international advocacy programme Development of Access to Information Report (DIAR)
Engaging with key groups Asked to speak to a group of Danish Librarians about the challenges faced by the UK and lessons learnt
Exhibition opening / Cultural evening Useful opportunities to talk with suppliers Network with colleagues And attend a silent disco!
General Assembly IFLA AGM CILIP has 40 votes Addresses from President and Secretary General CILIP members Gordon Dunsire awarded IFLA medal Announced WLIC 2018 will be in Kuala Lumpur
Report back from Martyn and Dawn
Next steps WLIC 2017 is in Wroclaw, Poland Review outcomes and priorities No assumptions Must be part of our International Strategy Solidarity with the international profession Professional exchange and dialogue Business drivers: Sales/Partnership working