John Adams’ Inauguration -- 1796 His Presidency was from 1797 -- 1801 The race for the Presidency was complicated: Federalists – too sympathetic to the British (Jay’s Treaty) Democratic Republicans – too sympathetic to the French (French Revolution issues) Adams defeated Thomas Jefferson 71 electoral votes to 68 (so Jefferson became VP) Process was all messed up!!! Each elector in the states was given 2 electoral votes. 1 for President, and 1 for Vice President. The plan was that each elector would vote together for their candidate and his running mate.
Election of 1796 Continued The result, accidentally, was the only American election where the President and Vice President came from conflicting political parties. The 12th Amendment (1804) fixes this problem by putting the ticket together with one electoral vote
XYZ Affair Get it?
Alien and Sedition Acts 4 Bills passed by Congress with the support of Adams Response to the Quasi or Undeclared Naval War going on with France (and England a little bit) The goal was to keep immigrant anarchists from infiltrating the USA from Europe The US was in a very fragile state with issues out west and over seas
The A&S Acts Continued The Naturalization Act changed the residency requirement from 5 years to 14 years (later repealed) The Alien Act allowed for the deportation of any dangerous non-citizen (written to have a 2 year window of activity) The Alien Enemies Act allowed for the apprehension and deportation of any alien citizen of a country the US is at war with (still law today) The Sedition Act made it a crime to publish "false, scandalous, and malicious writing" against the government or certain officials. (expired at end of Adams’ presidency)
Burr and Hamilton Duel Get it?
Judiciary Act of 1801 Reorganized the Supreme Court from 6-5 upon next vacancy Created several circuit and local offices for judges which Adams intended to fill Midnight Judges