Barriers to Communication
Barriers to Communication Why you can’t deliver the message…
Four Types of Barriers External
External Barriers Begin outside the listener somewhere in the environment.
External Barriers True Noise Any sound that distracts from the message
External Barriers True Noise Sensory Stimuli Messages received by other senses
External Barriers True Noise Sensory Stimuli Overload Overwhelming amounts of stimuli
Four Types of Barriers External Listener (Internal)
Listener (Internal) Barriers Begin inside the listener
Listener (Internal) Barriers Boredom (Daydreaming) Lag time between volume and processing
Listener (Internal) Barriers Boredom (Daydreaming) Laziness (Common Trap) Tune out info because it is common
Listener (Internal) Barriers Boredom (Daydreaming) Laziness (Common Trap) Waiting to Speak Planning what you will say next
Listener (Internal) Barriers Boredom (Daydreaming) Laziness (Common Trap) Waiting to Speak Opinionatedness Hear only what you want to hear
Listener (Internal) Barriers Boredom (Daydreaming) Laziness (Common Trap) Waiting to Speak Opinionatedness Prejudice Minds are closed to ideas expressed
Listener (Internal) Barriers Boredom (Daydreaming) Laziness (Common Trap) Waiting to Speak Opinionatedness Prejudice Lack of Interest No sense of connection with message
Listener (Internal) Barriers Boredom (Daydreaming) Laziness (Common Trap) Waiting to Speak Opinionatedness Prejudice Lack of Interest Listening to Easy Messages Avoid trying to take in difficult or new information
Listener (Internal) Barriers Boredom (Daydreaming) Laziness (Common Trap) Waiting to Speak Opinionatedness Prejudice Lack of Interest Listening to Easy Message Physical Challenges Anything from the inside that distracts- think cold, sick, hungry
Four Types of Barriers External Listener (Internal) Speaker
Speaker Barriers Distractions come from the sender
Speaker Barriers Appearance Overall looks- including age, sex, color
Speaker Barriers Appearance Mannerisms Behavior during delivery
Speaker Barriers Appearance Mannerisms Power Intensity and strength mask the message
Speaker Barriers Appearance Mannerisms Power Credibility Give too much credit based on title
Speaker Barriers Appearance Mannerisms Power Credibility Message The unbelievable and unexpected
Speaker Barriers Appearance Mannerisms Power Credibility Message Vocal Quality The tonal notes are distracting
Four Types of Barriers External Listener (Internal) Speaker Cultural
Cultural Barriers Distractions based on race
Cultural Barriers Prejudice Speaking Style Source Credibility Nonverbals Accents
Four Types of Barriers External Listener (Internal) Speaker Cultural
Barriers to Communication Why you can’t deliver the message…