India BCE Ancient Civilizations Home of two Major religions Buddhism and Hinduism
Geographical Impact Shaped like a spade ^ surrounded by water North mountains- Himalayas and Hindu Kush protection Khyber Pass Center high plateau- surrounded by lush green coastal areas River valleys- Indus and Ganges
Indus Valley 3000BCE Mohenjo Daro Harappan Punjab- Harappa another Harappan city p 46 brick walls 40 feet at base wheat, peas, barley, trade with Sumer known for aesthetic expression-human Harappan Punjab- Harappa people related to those here today uncertain about end 1200 BCE flood,land slides, invasion, plague(malaria)?
Vedic Period 1500 BCE Ayran invasion- from North Organized government- rajah tribal leader Invaders did not intermarry-caste beginning? Ganges River center Vedas sacred writing Laws of Manu p 49
Topics for Discussion Look at the Laws of Manu- Look at Reflection questions p 49 The Buddha p 50 read and discuss reflections Four Noble Truths and Eightfold Path Impressions and why did it spread p51 Hinduism view of the world- Discuss Try to explain p45
Epic Age 900-500BCE Mauryan Age 324 BCE Epic- mixture of Aryan and Harappan 326 BCE Alexander the Great- “Greek Meteor” 324- Chandranggupta Mauyra change in society 269-232 Ashoka- Buddhist Monarch considered greatest ruler
Caste System- Social Structure origin- skin color- invaders did not want to intermarry 1.Brahmin- priestly 2. Kshatrija- warrior 3. Vaishya- commoners-traders, merchants 1-3 could be twice born 4. shudra, bulk of population- limited rights 5. pariah, “untouchables” slaves- outcasts had to live separately, could be butchers, morticians, jati- clan, family help each other
Daily Life Everyone aware of caste Early on some movement, not later Patriarchal (exception, along coast) Oldest male had the power and the education Hindu code- treat women with respect pp. 55 and 56 clue to relationships
Hindu Religion One of the world’s oldest Pantheon of gods- ex goddess of wisdom Upanishads- philosophical background associated with caste system belief in reincarnation asceticism-self sacrifice- “yoga
Buddhism Guatama Buddha 563-483 noble- married, saw misery, went in search of truth- 7 years “enlightened” The Noble Truths- basis of belief for 2500 years a. truth of pain- birth to death b. cease pain by ceasing to crave c. truth leads to Middle Path No caste system- later monks- ban on worship of deities
Ashoka 269-232 Began as a conqueror, converted to Buddhism -> non violent sent out missionaries build pillars with instructions on how to live son converted Shi Lanka considered India’s greatest ruler