Chemistry – Oct 31, 2016 P3 Challenge- Objective – Determine the atomic mass of Boron given the following information Boron 10 Mass: 10.012937 % Abundance: 19.9 Boron 11 Mass: 11.009305 % Abundance: 80.1 Objective – Beanium Lab Activity Get out Neutral Atoms Worksheet for Hmk check
Chemistry – Oct 24, 2016 Agenda – Assignment: - Homework Review Beanium Lab Activity Assignment: - Beanium Lab Activity questions
Homework Review Element Symbol Z A #p #n #e Oxygen O 8 16 Hydrogen H 1 3 2 Carbon C 6 14 12 Zinc Zn 30 65 35 Potassium K 19 39 20
Homework Review Element Symbol Z A #p #n #e Titanium Ti 22 48 26 Antimony Sb 51 122 71 Uranium U 92 238 146 Silver Ag 47 108 61 Fermium Fm 100 257 157 Platinum Pt 78 195 117 Krypfon Kr 36 84
Homework Review 1. Equal 2. A = #p+#n 3. # protons 4. (Mass)(Ab) + (Mass)(Ab) (Ab in decimal form….move decimal 2 to left) 6.941 Agrees with Periodic Table 5. 39.947 Agrees with Periodic Table 6. 43.38% Na 7. 52.9% Al and 47.1 % O 8. 264 g carbon dioxide
Exit Slip - Homework Exit Slip: Clean up your lab space with a zero impact from when you came in. What’s Due? (Pending assignments to complete.) Beanium Lab Activity questions What’s Next? (How to prepare for the next day) Read Holt p84 - 88