WORLD MARKET FOR MACHINE TOOLS Global machine tool consumption rises more steeply after an EMO show Bill. EUR, 2016 and 2017 = forecast % change to previous year 2016 2017 Sources: VDW, Oxford Economics, Global machine tool outlook, October 2016 EMO Hannover | Press conference in Jakarta | 18.01.2017
PORTRAIT OF INDONESIA‘S ECONOMY Indonesia’s industrial sector needs substantial investments Indonesia key figures (% change) 2015 2016 2017 GDP 4.8 5.1 5.2 Industrial production 3.5 4.9 Investment 5.0 4.2 5.6 Machine tool consumption -34.5 6.8 Note: investment of eight primary customer branches, source: Oxford Economics, autumn 2016, picture source: fotolia/jakartatravel EMO Hannover | Press conference in Jakarta | 18.01.2017
INVESTMENTS Three industries are pushing machine tool business Indonesia investment 2017, forecast by branches (% change) % Source: Oxford Economics, Autumn 2016 EMO Hannover | Press conference in Jakarta | 18.01.2017
IMPORTS AND CONSUMPTION OF MACHINE TOOLS International position of Vietnam Top importers of machine tools (bill. EUR) Top consumers of machine tools (bill. EUR) * VDW correction for cheap and simple machines (reduced by 12%), sources: national associations, trade statistics, VDW EMO Hannover | Press conference in Jakarta | 18.01.2017
GERMAN MACHINE TOOL BUSINESS WITH INDONESIA Germany is one important partner for Indonesia’s industrial sector Indonesia machine tool imports* Main suppliers 2015 (% shares) German machine tool exports to Indonesia (mill. EUR)** (+173%) (-32%) * calculated by exports of more than 50 countries ** incl. parts, accessories, sources: international trade statistics, VDW EMO Hannover | Press conference in Jakarta | 18.01.2017