Call to Order Call to Order Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Tuesday, March 23, 2010 Call to Order John Sztykiel, President Call to Order Peter Darley, President 1
Call to Order Salute to USA and Canada Opening remarks Invocation Introduction of corporate sponsor Introduction of Board, guests and honorary members, new members, first-time attendees 2
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Roll Call Harold Boer 3
Proof of Notice of Meeting Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Proof of Notice of Meeting Harold Boer 4
Review and Enter Minutes Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Review and Enter Minutes Harold Boer 5
Division Chief Craig Marston Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Official Welcome Division Chief Craig Marston 6
Self-Introduction Of Members Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Self-Introduction Of Members Grady North 7
Anti-Trust Guidelines / Non-Discrimination Policy Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Anti-Trust Guidelines / Non-Discrimination Policy Jim Juneau, Legal Counsel 8
Grady North for Greg Kozey Treasurer’s Report Grady North for Greg Kozey SPRING 2010 REPORT 9
(See breakdown in handout) RECAP 2009 Budget Actual Revenues $292,150.00 $298,917.47* Expenses $292,150.00 $281,324.19 (See breakdown in handout) * Excludes 2010 dues We receive a large amount of dues in December of each year which shows a spike in income. The 2010 dues have been excluded from the 2009 totals. 10
Net Worth Growth Net worth varies greatly from month to month as the majority of revenue is received in December and January as member dues and our large expense months are March and October for the Spring and Fall meetings.
(See breakdown in handout) 2010 Budget Revenues $ 328,425.00 Expenses $ 328,425.00 (See breakdown in handout) Because of the strong net worth, the Board decided to increase budget allocation in areas such as Canada GAC, Education, Marketing and Statistics. 12
Factors Affecting Budget FAMA Membership As of 12/31/09: 124 Losses 8 Gains 3 As of 3/8/10: 119 13
Membership Growth It will be difficult to maintain membership growth without expanding our membership base. Companies are consolidating and the economic conditions have caused a number of companies to drop out in 2010.
Factors Affecting Budget Sponsorships – Thank YOU Spring Meeting ………… Fire Engineering Cummins … Spartan … United Plastic W S Darley Scholarship …………………… Akron Brass Technical Meeting (Spring)…..ArvinMeritor Technical Meeting (Fall) ………. (available) Our organization could not provide the current level of member benefits without the generous support of Fire Engineering – not only for the Spring Meeting but also for their contributions to the GAC fund. Our other sponsors help defer the cost of the meetings to keep member dues low. 15
Board of Directors Report Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Board of Directors Report Peter Darley 16
Board Report Strong Board Engaged Committees November ’09 Strategic Planning – Chicago January ’10 Meeting – Orlando 2010 Board Meeting Schedule 17
Board Key Goals Improve Value to Members Increase FAMA Visibility Increase / Improve Research and Education Alignment of committee initiatives Advance position of FAMA 18
Issues important to members are important issues to board 5 = high importance 1 = low importance 19
Major Initiatives Board and Committee Focus on Issues important to members Member Retention / Growth Money Management (Budget, Process, Dues) Education and Research – Market Evolution Makeup of organization 20
2010 Committee Initiatives Committee Driven Provide clear vision Provide tools for accountability Identify Top priorities Alignment with other committees 21
Upcoming Events CFSI May – Joint Meeting FAMA FEMSA Voices of the Fire Service Reception Hill Day Annual Dinner May – Joint Meeting FAMA FEMSA May – FAMA Presentation to Metro Chiefs GAC Alliance Luncheon 22
CURRENT BYLAW Current Bylaw 3.2 Qualifications. Membership in FAMA shall be open to those otherwise qualified business entities that, during the preceding 12 month period, using its own employees at its facilities located in the United States or Canada, have manufactured for commercial resale any of the following products (A) fire fighting or fire protection apparatus, including rescue (Special Service) vehicles that could complement said apparatus; (B) components or products which are later incorporated by the fire apparatus manufacturer as a permanent part of the completed fire apparatus; or (C) products specifically designed for fire service applications that are affixed to, or carried upon, the fire apparatus for use in conjunction with the fire apparatus in performing its fire fighting function. Examples of such products would include, without limitation, chassis, fire pumps, fire hoses, hose reels, ladders, aerial devices, apparatus valves and other water control appliances. For purposes of this section, the term “manufacture” means the construction or fabrication of a qualifying product from raw materials, or the assembly of a qualifying product using parts, components or sub-assemblies that are supplied by others.
PROPOSED BYLAW Proposed Bylaw 3.2 Qualifications. Membership in FAMA shall be open to those otherwise qualified business entities that, during the preceding 12 month period, using its own employees at its facilities located in the United States or Canada, have manufactured for commercial resale any of the following products (A) fire fighting or fire protection emergency apparatus, including rescue (Special Service) vehicles and ambulances that could complement said apparatus; (B) components or products which are later incorporated by the fire apparatus, rescue or ambulance manufacturer as a permanent part of the completed emergency vehicle; or (C) products specifically designed for fire service applications that are affixed to, or carried upon, the emergency vehicle for use in conjunction with the vehicle in performing its emergency response function. Examples of such products would include, without limitation, chassis, fire pumps, fire hoses, hose reels, ladders, aerial devices, apparatus valves and other water control appliances. For purposes of this section, the term “manufacture” means the construction or fabrication of a qualifying product from raw materials, or the assembly of a qualifying product using parts, components or sub-assemblies that are supplied by others.
PROPOSED BYLAW Companies that manufacture (A) fire fighting or fire protection emergency apparatus, including rescue (Special Service) vehicles and ambulances that could complement said apparatus; (B) components or products which are later incorporated by the fire apparatus, rescue or ambulance manufacturer as a permanent part of the completed emergency vehicle; or (C) products specifically designed for fire service applications that are affixed to, or carried upon, the emergency vehicle for use in conjunction with the vehicle in performing its emergency response function.
PROPOSED BYLAW . Strike Wording Examples of such products would include, without limitation, chassis, fire pumps, fire hoses, hose reels, ladders, aerial devices, apparatus valves and other water control appliances
Summary 2010 tough year but we will advance FAMA’s position FAMA has and must continue to evolve to meet long range goals and evolving markets Stay Involved - Get Involved Thanks from the board to a lot of hardworking members 27
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Break 28
Committee Membership William Bruns – Chair Jim Currin Tom Garrity George Goros – Vice Chair Jeff Hunke Tim Thuemling Rob Wertz 30
Focus Points & Initiatives No Amendments proposed at this time. Supporting Board of Directors assessment of Bylaws changes required to change Qualifications of Membership to include Ambulances. Goal of reducing size of Bylaws in 2010 is planned – major effort for committee. 31
Update on Activities Monthly Scorecards submitted in 2010. Chair attended Board of Directors meeting in Orlando in January. Maintaining contact with Board as required to support questions. Chair drafted proposed language to Section 3.2 Membership Qualifications for Board 32
Federal Agenda 2010 Fire Act Funding Fire Act Reauthorization Pending 2009: $565 million 2010: $390 million 2011 Proposed: $305 million Fire Act Reauthorization Pending Federal Jobs Legislation EPA Engine Inducements Miscellaneous
2010 GAC Activities Spring Hill Day - Sign Up Today!!! April 28-29, 2010 In conjunction with CFSI Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner Continue Efforts for Fire Act Funding Ongoing Outreach to Washington Expand & Improve Communications Host Home Days – Tool Kit Released
GAC Demographic Survey Preliminary Results 242 Total FAMA & FEMSA Companies 219 Companies Responded to Date 90 Percent Response Rate Deliverables Updated Demographic Map State-by-State Summaries Targeting of Key Members
Total North American Employees U.S. Employee Totals (15 percent reduction) 2010: 82,303 in 43 States 2008: 96,387 in 49 States Canada – 787 Employees in 6 Provinces
Company Size
FAMA/FEMSA Employee Counts in Top States
Home Days in 2009
Get Involved SIGN UP for Washington Hill Day TODAY! April 28-29, 2010, Washington, DC Attend GAC Breakout Sessions Participate in GAC Who is your GAC lead? What are your issues? Host Home Days Follow Up Regularly w/ your Representatives Questions?
Meeting Planning Committee John Swanson Bob Grimaldi Key West 2010
Members John Swanson – Chairman Mark Albright – Vice Chair Grady North – Board VP Ed Dobbs Geary Roberts Bob Grimaldi – Consultant
Responsibilities Budget and plan for the General Membership Meetings Select topics of interest and speakers for General Membership Meetings Work with Marketing Committee to publicize and promote Spring and Fall meetings Coordinate awards and acknowledgements at General Membership Meetings Develop a schedule and budget for group and optional social activities in conjunction with the General Membership Meetings Prepare survey for meeting evaluation Hotel inspection/Site survey
Corporate Sponsors Fire Engineering Magazine – Corporate Sponsor Spartan Motors, Inc – Business Speaker United Plastic Fabricating – Tuesday Banquet Open Bar and Cups for the Hospitality Suite WS Darley – Tuesday Coffee Break Cummins – Wednesday Coffee Break
FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Fall 2010 FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Location: San Antonio, Texas Date: October 6-9, 2010 Hotel: San Antonio Plaza Marriott
Spring 2011 FAMA Meeting Location: San Juan, Puerto Rico Date: March 12-16, 2011 ** Hotel: El San Juan ** Date Change
FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Fall 2011 FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Location: Washington DC Date: Oct. 5-8, 2011 Hotel: Crystal City Marriott
Spring 2012 FAMA Meeting Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL Date: March 30-April 4, 2012 Hotel: Marriott Ft. Lauderdale
FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Fall 2012 FAMA/FEMSA Joint Meeting Location: Scottsdale, AZ Date: Sept. 26-29, 2012 Hotel: Renaissance Glendale
Spring 2013 FAMA Meeting Location: Aruba Date: March 16-20, 2013 Hotel: Aruba Marriott
New Site for 2010 53
Site Initiatives Site Optimization New Information Icon News Content Search terms Tech Committee content New Information Icon Re-introduce Annex “D” Initiatives Webcast through Web Site 54
Site Initiatives Acquire emails via Constant Contact Rotating Feature Member on Home Page Online Scholarship Program Form FAMA/FEMSA Joint Survey Page Review your Profiles 55
Costs Spending – Currently $10,000 Some aforementioned initiative will bring this spending up an additional $1,500. 56
Nominating Tim Dean
Committee Members Jack McLoughlin, Chair Jim Otwell, Vice Chair
Mission As stated by the board: “The mission of the Statistics Committee of the Fire Apparatus Manufacturers' Association (FAMA) is to further the collection of data.”
Objectives Encourage more OEMs to participate Encourage participation Reduce error in reporting through electronic gathering of statistics
Goal To collect and disseminate data to FAMA members in an accurate and timely manner.
Surprise! We collected and disseminated data to FAMA members in an accurate and timely manner.
Financials We have a goal of keeping the accounting firm costs below $7000 / year. All other costs are borne by Fire Research.
How statistics are gathered Participants log into and report bookings and shipments for the quarter. The website is administered by an independent accounting firm. The totals are mailed to all firms that participated in the survey, and made available to all FAMA members on the website.
Benefits from Statistics Enable the statistics committee to provide more detailed marketing information Regional analysis of truck sales by type Is your sales force effective in a given region? Are you losing or gaining market share?
2010 Review Please review the following graphs for some insight into how the industry is doing. Collection of sales data will be attempted again this year, but this time participation will not be mandatory.
Book to Build
Sales vs. Shipped
Booked Historical
Shipped Historical
Booked by State (US & CAN)
Booked by State (US)
Booked by State (CAN)
Aerial Shipments
Pump Shipments
Main Totals
Tankers, SSFA, Aerials
Totals, Other
Ambulance Update NFPA 1917 Ambulance Technical Committee Jack McLoughlin / Keith Purdy Anticipated date for new standard – 2011 draft report (news section video)
Membership Committee Committee Members Larry Dodson, Allison Transmission Gregg Geske, Waterous Company Sonya Kelly, E-One, Inc. David Rutterman, Eagle Compressors, Inc. Jim Simpson, Marion Body Works, Inc. Joe Bernert, Havis, Inc. Bruce Whitehouse, Board Liaison, Amdor, Inc. 84
Develop Membership Retention Plan Membership Committee Committee Objectives, 2010 Grow Membership By 10% Develop Membership Retention Plan 85
Membership Growth Plan Membership Committee Membership Growth Plan Develop & maintain target list of potential companies in the market with qualifications for membership Develop a contact plan Assign committee members to the contact plan Develop contact call objectives Note: This work has been initiated and contact calls are underway. The target completion date is April, 2010 86
Target List Development & Findings Membership Committee Target List Development & Findings Initial list was developed from review of data bases of market sources Initial list identifies 88 companies likely eligible for membership 40% of companies identified on the list are apparatus manufacturers 60% of companies identified on the list are component manufacturers 87
Membership Growth Considerations Membership Committee Membership Growth Considerations Current FAMA membership includes an approximate 50-50 mix of apparatus to component manufacturers The FAMA membership already includes the most market significant apparatus manufacturers The apparatus manufacturers identified on the initial potential list appear to be smaller and/or regional companies 88
Pursuit of Growth Implications for FAMA Membership Committee Pursuit of Growth Implications for FAMA The initial potential list of companies contains a dominant mix of component manufacturers Future reviews of the potential list will likely show an increasing mix of component manufacturers In the pursuit of growth under the present approach, the membership dominance of component manufacturers is assured 89
Options for FAMA Consideration Membership Committee Options for FAMA Consideration Business as usual, accept and embrace an increasing number of component companies in the membership Implement organizational changes to maintain apparatus manufacturers the focus of FAMA while continuing to attract all qualifying companies 90
Membership Retention Plan Membership Committee Membership Retention Plan A review of FAMA member meeting attendance records shows that approximately 30% of member companies have not attended a single event since 2007. The Committee believes it is prudent to seek input from the Board and membership prior to developing a plan designed to address member retention. 91
Long Range Planning FAMA LRP COMMITTEE MEMBERS Jerry Halpin- Chair, Past President Grady North- Vice-Chair, Board Vice-President Tim Dean- Committee Member, Past President John Sztykiel- Board Member, Past President Bruce Whitehouse- Board Member Jan Polka- Board Member Wilson Jones- Committee Member
Long Range Planning Mission Statement “To provide a “road map” or strategic direction for the future of the FAMA organization, developing a three (3) to five (5) year plan outlining long term goals and objectives. This planning shall be done in a manner consistent with anti-trust guidelines.”
Long Range Planning Objectives To provide consistency and continuity of purpose for FAMA To examine and update the mission statement and objectives of FAMA and align them with long-term goals and objectives as they change over time. To identify membership and organizational issues that will impact the association in the long term. Update and develop goals and objectives that will give the association focus from one year to the next.
Long Range Planning Board Directive (s) Develop a Broad View for FAMA moving forward Define and clarify six (6) specific objectives to capture the “FAMA Of The Future” Develop a plan to achieve these objectives over a specific period of time… THE LONG RANGE PLAN
These six (6) objectives developed for discussion are: Long Range Planning These six (6) objectives developed for discussion are:
Long Range Planning Expand FAMA Membership Categories? Add a separate member class? Dues increase? Transform FAMA into a truly international organization? Different relevant statistics (internal and external) in addition to those currently produced?
Long Range Planning Engage GAC style tactics at the state / local level? Independent fed/state funding effort for Fire Apparatus only? Parallel to FAMA/FEMSA GAC. Umbrella group with FEMSA?
Long Range Planning Time will be afforded for open discussion at the end of the meeting Wednesday. Please put your thinking caps on. Thank You For Your Time!
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Break 101
Business Speaker Bruce Carter Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Business Speaker Bruce Carter 102
John Sztykiel, President Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Call to Order John Sztykiel, President Call to Order Peter Darley 103
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Housekeeping Bob Grimaldi 104
Steve Cole Dave Durstine Phil Gerace John Lund Drew Sutphen John Weber COMMITTEE TEAM Steve Cole Dave Durstine Phil Gerace John Lund Drew Sutphen John Weber 106
Create “FAMA…Answering the Call” slogan RECENT ACTIVITIES Create “FAMA…Answering the Call” slogan Implement design in FAMA’s FDIC sponsorship 107
RECENT ACTIVITIES-cont Assist Meeting Committee with Spring Meeting Promotion 109
Look to assist other committees UPCOMING ACTIVITIES Look to assist other committees Implement a press release strategy and system Work with Internet committee 111
TECHNICAL COMMITTEE Chairs Aerial/Quint ARFF Body Chassis David Durstine Sean Duffy Aerial/Quint ARFF Jim Salmi Grady North Jeff Aiken Marty Huffman Body Chassis Keith Purdy Roger Lackore Bill Proft Raff McDougall Low Voltage Electrical High Voltage Electrical John Doperalski Will Leach Peter Luhrs Paul Newton Foam Pumps & Plumbing Jeff Darley Doug Miller TBD Chad Trinkner Ambulance TBD 113
TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 2010 Initiatives Publish a quarterly Technical Committee E‐Newsletter. Create a Technical Committee Steering Committee to develop a viable plan in which technical meetings are held at a time other than early morning hours before the start of major trade shows. Develop a Technical Committee member contact database and Communications Clearinghouse. Create a new Ambulance Sub-committee 114
Special to Thanks to Spring Meeting Sponsor TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 2010 Spring Tech Meeting April 23rd, 2010 Hyatt, Indianapolis, Indiana Breakfast at 6:30am Meeting begins at 7:00am Special to Thanks to Spring Meeting Sponsor 115
David Durstine & Sean Duffy NFPA 1901 REPORT SPRING 2010 REPORT David Durstine & Sean Duffy 116
NFPA 1901 REPORT Responsible Documents & Revision Cycles NFPA 1901 Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus Fall 2013 Revised Edition Date: 2014 NFPA1906 Standard for Wildland Fire Apparatus Fall 2010 Revised Edition Date: 2011 NFPA 1911 Standard for the Inspection, Maintenance, Testing, and Retirement of In-Service Automotive Fire Apparatus Fall 2011 Revised Edition Date: 2012 NFPA 1912 Standard for Fire Apparatus Refurbishing 117
NFPA 1901 REPORT NFPA1906 & 1912 Revision Update Report on Comments Period Closed 3/5/10 Next Technical Committee Meeting is Scheduled : April 13 & 14th, 2010 Hilton Salt Lake City Center 255 S. West Temple Salt Lake City, UT 118
NFPA 1901 REPORT NFPA1911 Revision Update Currently in the “Report on Proposal” Period (Closes 5/28/10) A copy of the proposal form is available on the NFPA web site at: This is an opportunity to recommend changes or modifications to the current proposals. 119
NFPA 1500 & 18 Committees FAMA representatives: NFPA 1500 – Leroy Coffman (A) and Dominic Colletti (P) NFPA 18 – Jerry Halpin (A) and Dominic Colletti (P) Mission Statement: The mission of both committees is to represent the best interests of the FAMA group regarding providing input into proposed standard changes, with the end result of making conditions safer for firefighters and the public; and to provide feedback and report to the FAMA board and membership on items that may significantly impact the members of the association. Regarding significant issues, the FAMA board will review and direct committee voting activity.
NFPA 18 Committee Technical Committee is responsible for two separate documents: NFPA 18 – Standard on Wetting Agents NFPA 18A –Standard on Water Additives For Fire Control and Vapor Mitigation NFPA 18 is through cycle and complete. NFPA 18A is in the Fall 2010 revision cycle. The ROP was published and released to the public on December 28, 2009. The Comment closing date was March 5, 2010. The final date for the ROC meeting is April 27, 2010, Quincy, MA.
NFPA 1500 Committee NFPA 1500: Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program FAMA is on two NFPA 1500 document ‘work groups’: Accountability – including new technology – electronic tracking, monitoring and locating systems Vehicle Operations – reducing vehicle crashes and apparatus incidents We have begun to position the intent of the “Annex D” language in the main body of the 1500 standard, specifically language to cover technological obsolescence of fire apparatus. First step toward this goal is to prevent tankers/tenders without Anti-Lock brakes from using “emergency speed.” The Technical Committee is now in the initial phase of document revision.
NFPA 1500 Committee Spring 2010 Update: Last full committee meeting was held in San Diego on February 11 and 12. Meeting attendance impacted by the east coast snowstorm. NFPA 1500, 1521, 1581, 1582, and 1583 are currently in annual meeting 2012 revision cycle. NFPA 1561 and 1584 in annual meeting 2010 revision cycle. NFPA 1500 committee discussion: Request from NFPA 1901 committee member to include how and why to utilize information available from VDR General discussion on revisions and/or additions included Vehicles/Water Tenders; Highway/Traffic Safety; Firefighter Tracking/Accountability; Quiet Responses; etc.
NFPA 1500 Committee Spring 2010 Update: Next planned 1500 technical committee meetings: May, 2010, in the Baltimore/Washington Area October, 2010, in the San Diego Area February, 2011, in the Las Vegas Area
2010 Objectives Year 2010 FAMA Committee NFPA 1500 and 18 Objectives: Remain active with both NFPA technical committees and identify any areas of the proposed 1500 and 18 series of standards that could affect FAMA member companies. Regarding the 1500 document, stay active with the NFPA technical committee and continually educate members on the safety impacts regarding changes in fire apparatus. Position the intent of existing “Annex D” language, now in the Annex of the existing 1500 document, to move up into the main body of the standard during the current 1500 revision cycle, or draft new language on technological obsolescence of fire apparatus.
TRADE SHOW COMMITTEE Committee Members are: Rick Fix – Chair Brian Cassell Gina Damuth Sonya Kelly
TRADE SHOW COMMITTEE Met with FAMA board at FDSOA Notified FAMA board on FAMA member concerns with FDIC show issues. Interfaced with FDIC on the show changes (Eric sent out a letter to all companies affected outlining what had been changed and why)
TRADE SHOW COMMITTEE Met with Courtney Bulger from IAFC at Firehouse to discuss ways to improve interaction with the Chiefs organization in Chicago.
TRADE SHOW COMMITTEE Will be attending: FDIC Ontario Chiefs Harrisburg Interschutz Firehouse Expo IAFC
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Education Committee David Reid, Chair 133
2010 Phillip L. Turner Fire Protection Scholarship for Outstanding Achievement University notification – March 1 Evaluation of applicants – June 30 Board review – July 15 Award presentation IAFC, Chicago – August 26 134
2009 / 2010 Survey of Fire Chiefs Present 2009 survey at Spring FAMA Meeting Input to develop 2010 survey Conduct 2010 / 2011 survey Statistical analysis and write report Review at 2011 Spring FAMA Meeting 135
Future Recruit new committee chair for 2012 Develop communications plan with other committees Revise mission and objective statements for Education Committee 136
FAMA Survey of Fire Chiefs Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting 2009 / 2010 FAMA Survey of Fire Chiefs David Reid, Education Committee Chair
Research Goals Identify trends in staffing levels, equipment purchases, and apparatus purchases Determine how current economic conditions are impacting departments Understand how apparatus requirements may be changing Establish a research baseline that we can build from
Methodology Online survey E-mailed to a random sampling of 1,000 fire chiefs E-mail blasts from IAFC USA and IAFC Canada directing members to FAMA web site 1,072 surveys were completed
Statistical Tests Chi-squared test was used to determine whether cross-tabulated variables were independent or dependent When chi-square test indicated a dependent relationship at a 95% level of confidence the correlation factor was noted as “significant”
Organizational Type
Population Served
Type of Structures
Anticipated Actions Due To Economic Conditions
Equipment Budget Funded
Apparatus Budget Funded
FEMA or SAFER Grant Recipient
Use of FEMA or SAFER Grant
Trends During Previous Two Years
Next Planned Purchase
Apparatus Needs / Requirements
Importance of Sources of Information
Importance of Various Criteria Manufacturer reputation
What Did We Find? Purchases expect to be postponed, but the number of planned purchases expect to remain constant 58% of respondents are considering apparatus refurbishments Standard operating procedures are anticipated to change beginning with career departments Grants, fundraising, and municipal bonds are underutilized sources of funding apparatus purchases Lower prices were mentioned by 90% of respondents as very or somewhat important Manufacturer reputation was more important than the manufacturer
What’s Next? Review report Discuss at breakout session Provide input for 2010 survey Share with your associates to improve your business
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Thank you!
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting OPEN MIKE 157
CURRENT BYLAW Current Bylaw 3.2 Qualifications. Membership in FAMA shall be open to those otherwise qualified business entities that, during the preceding 12 month period, using its own employees at its facilities located in the United States or Canada, have manufactured for commercial resale any of the following products (A) fire fighting or fire protection apparatus, including rescue (Special Service) vehicles that could complement said apparatus; (B) components or products which are later incorporated by the fire apparatus manufacturer as a permanent part of the completed fire apparatus; or (C) products specifically designed for fire service applications that are affixed to, or carried upon, the fire apparatus for use in conjunction with the fire apparatus in performing its fire fighting function. Examples of such products would include, without limitation, chassis, fire pumps, fire hoses, hose reels, ladders, aerial devices, apparatus valves and other water control appliances. For purposes of this section, the term “manufacture” means the construction or fabrication of a qualifying product from raw materials, or the assembly of a qualifying product using parts, components or sub-assemblies that are supplied by others.
PROPOSED BYLAW Proposed Bylaw 3.2 Qualifications. Membership in FAMA shall be open to those otherwise qualified business entities that, during the preceding 12 month period, using its own employees at its facilities located in the United States or Canada, have manufactured for commercial resale any of the following products (A) fire fighting or fire protection emergency apparatus, including rescue (Special Service) vehicles and ambulances that could complement said apparatus; (B) components or products which are later incorporated by the fire apparatus, rescue or ambulance manufacturer as a permanent part of the completed emergency vehicle; or (C) products specifically designed for fire service applications that are affixed to, or carried upon, the emergency vehicle for use in conjunction with the vehicle in performing its emergency response function. Examples of such products would include, without limitation, chassis, fire pumps, fire hoses, hose reels, ladders, aerial devices, apparatus valves and other water control appliances. For purposes of this section, the term “manufacture” means the construction or fabrication of a qualifying product from raw materials, or the assembly of a qualifying product using parts, components or sub-assemblies that are supplied by others.
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Unfinished Business Peter Darley 161
New Business Peter Darley Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting New Business Peter Darley 162
Closing Remarks Peter Darley Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Closing Remarks Peter Darley 163
Online Survey 164
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Next Meeting Notice Harold Boer 165
Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Next Meeting Notice Harold Boer 166
Adjournment Peter Darley Spring 2010 FAMA Meeting Adjournment Peter Darley 167