The Teen and Young Adult Program at MSKCC October 26, 2016
The Adolescent and Young Adult Movement AYA Definition About 70,000 young people (ages 15-39) are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States – accounting for about 5 percent of cancer diagnoses in the United States. National Conversation Public and Hospital Based Programs
The Initiative… $1 Million gift to establish exclusive space Institutional Definition and Commitment Defined Population: 16 – 28 years old, in active treatment Approximately 700 patients per year; majority of diagnoses: Leukemia Lymphoma Germ Cell/ Testicular Thyroid Sarcoma MSK’s Program: Inpatients and Outpatients, all MSK sites Non-clinical: no medical interventions
A Brief History: Research and Planning 2014: Initial Taskforce is Formed Members: social work, child life, administration, psychiatry, medical and nursing oncology (active and long term follow up) Goals: Identify immediate needs of TYA patient population, discuss strategies for forming a program, assess other institution’s programs, survey MSK patients, complete mission statement National AYA Programs Survey: interviewed 7 AYA program directors/coordinators about their programs MSK Patient Surveys and Focus Groups
Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) AYA vs TYA Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) Teens and Young Adults (TYA)
Mission Statement Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) recognizes that the diagnosis and treatment experience of Teen and Young Adult (TYA) patients is unique. To improve the TYA patient experience during active treatment, we offer services that decrease isolation, improve connectivity between patients and their peers, and address their psychological, developmental and social needs.
Onsite, Online and Outside Programming and Events The Lounge The Mobile App Peer to Peer Program Onsite, Online and Outside Programming and Events
Programs & Age Groups The Lounge: 16 – 28 years old Programming and Events: Onsite, External, Web Based varied by age groupings Mobile App: 18 – 28 years old Peer to Peer: Survivors (up to age 35 years old) matched with patients in active treatment and/or parents Bedside Activities:
Location: 14th Floor, Bobst Building Hours: 1pm – 7pm For our teen and young adult patients, ages 16 to late twenties and their guests. We offer: Kitchen stocked with snacks Computer stations TV with cable and movies Board games Art supplies and crafts Books and resources Video games and tournaments Weekly programming and special events Dry-erase graffiti wall Movie nights
Wordfall: Currents Francie Hester & Lisa Hill Installation
The Mobile App: 2016 Release For young adults with cancer, the TYA app is a community that enables people to connect with each other, share their experiences, and find reliable answers to their questions. Unlike mainstream social networks, this app is a secure, private network of peers and experts discussing life during and after cancer treatment at MSK.
Peer 2 Peer Program A support program that connects TYA patients with others who have completed treatment and can share their knowledge about navigating MSK and coping with cancer as a young person.