European LEADER Association for Rural Development ELARD European LEADER Association for Rural Development President Kristiina Tammets
The ELARD network International non-profit organization founded in 1999 Founded by 5 European national informal LEADER networks: French LEADER Network - LEADER France Greek LEADER Network - Eλληνικό Δίκτυο LEADER Irish LEADER Network - Comhar LEADER na hEireann Italian LEADER Network - AssoLEADER Spanish LEADER Network – REDR CZECH REPUBLIC, CROATIA, DENMARK, ESTONIA, FINLAND, FRANCE, GREECE, HUNGARY, IRELAND, ITALY, LATVIA, LITHUANIA, MACEDONIA (FYROM) POLAND, PORTUGAL, UNITED KINGDOM, SERBIA, SLOVAKIA, SLOVENIA, SPAIN, SWEDEN, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA. Member networks in 22 countries representing more than 1900 LAGs
Aims of ELARD campaigns to spread the philosophy, principles and reach of the LEADER method grounded in the eight specific features …in order to achieve SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT represents the interests and needs of local action groups in front of other international, European, and national institutions to liaise with other stakeholders and institutions One of the most important aims of ELARD is to: "campaign to spread the philosophy, principles and reach of the LEADER method grounded in the eight specific features in order to achieve sustainable rural development across Europe". The association aims also to: "represent the interests and needs of its members in front of other international, European, and national institutions to liaise with other stakeholders and institutions working towards an integrated rural development and to influence EU policies in favour of rural development". …in order to INFLUENCE EU and national POLICIES in favour of INTEGRATED rural development
Presence of ELARD in committees/groups on EU level EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT (ENRD) Rural Networks Assembly, Rural Networks Steering Group, Leader/CLLD sub-group, EIP-AGRI Civil Dialogue Group for Rural Development (DG AGRI), Structured Dialogue Group for the ESI Funds (DG REGIO) Steering Group, Coordination Group EUROPEAN COMMISSION EUROPEAN RURAL PARLIAMENT (ERP) EUROPEAN COUNTRYSIDE MOVEMENT (ECM)
Current key policy documents ELARD LEADER/CLLD DECLARATION to be developed for and at the ELARD conference in Estonia in November 2016 EUROPEAN RURAL MANIFESTO developed at the European Rural Parliament gathering in Schärding/Austria, November 2015 RURAL AGENDA POST 2020 an iniciative of the European Countryside Movement - draft being developed CORK DECLARATION 2.0 European Commission compiled declaration for broader CAP
Involvement of members, upcoming events MEMBERS QUESTIONNAIRE AND ANALYSIS June 2016, 2017 ELARD SEMINAR „CLLD – HOW DOES IT REALLY WORK?“ AT EUROPEAN WEEK OF REGIONS AND CITIES 12 October 2016 in Brussels LEADER/CLLD 2020+ CONFERENCE 22-23 November 2016 in Estonia LEADER/CLLD WORKSHOP Spring 2017 in Brussels EUROPEAN RURAL PARLIAMENT ACTIVITIES LEADER/CLLD horizontal theme 2016-2017
LEADER evolution Source: DG AGRI 2014-2020 Provisional budget data
2014-2020 Indicative allocation of budget for LEADER Breakdown by sub-measure
A quick look at Measure 19 (LEADER/CLLD) RDPs... Implemented in 109 RDPs Expected total number of LAGs: 2513 Total public funding allocated: € 9.7 billion Planned number of jobs created: 44.400 Population covered by LAGs: 161 million
A quick look at Measure 19 (LEADER/CLLD) The top-5 themes that LEADER is expected to contribute to are: 1. Employment, local economy and diversification; 2. Resource efficiency, renewable energy and climate; 3. Social inclusion and poverty reduction; 4. Cultural heritage and landscape; 5. Agriculture, local food and production systems.
Expected number of selected LAGs and average budget (total public) Source: DG AGRI 2014-2020 SFC Database
Comparing CLLD in ESI Funds Total CLLD budget (EU contribution) No. of MS concerned Expected no. of LAGs EMFF € 500 M 20 300 EAFRD € 7.000 M 28 2500 ERDF € 1.200 M 16 Info not available o ESF 13 € 700 M Source: Information received from DGs, December 2015
MS planning to support multi-funded strategies Multifunding: MS YES: 19 MSs ALLOWED AT, BG, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GR, HU IT, LT, LV, PL, PT, SE, SI, SK and UK NOT ALLOWED BE, CY, EE, HR, IE, LU, MT NL and RO NO: 9 MSs Source: ENRD CP - Screening of 28 approved Partnership Agreements and sample of 26 RDPs
ESI Funds used to support LEADER/CLLD Category MS 4 Multi-fund Mono-fund EAFRD, ERDF, ESF & EMFF BG, DE, ES, FR, GR, IT, PL, PT, SE, UK 10 EAFRD, ERDF & ESF CZ, HU EAFRD, ERDF & EMFF SI EAFRD, EMFF & ESF LT 10 EAFRD & EMFF CY, DK, FI, LV EE, HR, IE, RO 4 EAFRD & ERDF AT, SK 4 Funds 3 Funds 2 Funds 1 Fund Only EAFRD BE, LU, NL, MT Source: ENRD CP - Screening of 28 approved Partnership Agreements and 26 sample RDPs
Policy work - key issues 1 Territorial cohesion in different funds, programs and institutions in rural development. Holistic development involves rural-urban linkages, lager scale of involvement of people and institutions (bottom-up clusters); Quality of the programs and the conditions having continuity considered being very important; To assure that there are clear and visible achievements of implementing the programs. Evaluation is key issue for this period; The role of monitoring committees is crucial to guarantee the needed amendments in RDPs to assure necessary flexibility and implementation accordance with real needs; These are the most crucial issues that have been mentioned throughout different meetings, events
Policy work - key issues 2 Innovation is strong focus for this programming period. We need balanced innovative growth in the rural areas; Possibilities for development must be equal for rural and urban areas. Urban-rural mixture, where rural areas use urban as an engine or catalyser as a good way for a growth. It is important for rural areas to ensure they make good use of the proximity of the large urban market; Rural development is regional development that includes a more holistic approach and a stronger regional co-operation between national partners (both rural and urban) and LAGs in the same region;
Policy work - key issues 3 To listen to the voice from local communities regarding public services (including broadband) is extremely important as well as giving higher priority to women’s role in rural development; To promote transnational co-operation sharing the knowledge and practice to LAGs, national networks and MAs; Simplification (SCO) and E-governance, E-platforms for LAGs. Digital revolution gives new attributes and opportunities to rural areas; Social cohesion and reduction of poverty are getting more important for rural areas as well as migration issues; To make sure that there is no long gap between programming periods.
RDP budget 2014-2020
LEADER budget 2014-2020
LEADER budget %
LEADER budget %
Number of LAGs
LEADER budget all funds
Share of budget of 4 funds
Overview of multifund
General satisfaction with LEADER/CLLD
Improvement related to previous period
Needs of LAGs 1. Improving CLLD and multi-fund approach implementation: 1.1. Cohesion of different funds. This is to create real synergy between different funds and avoid the multi-funded trap, where previously financed activities from EAFRD are not financed anymore from EAFRD and also not included in the other funds (ESF, ERDF); 1.2. Simplification of procedures. Additionally to SCO methods there is a need to simplify the procedures (LAGs and authorities). There has been a lack of attention to simplifying procedures but these are very time consuming; 1.3. Clarification and wider promotion of SCO methods. Experience exchange between different programmes that already has knowledge and practice of SCO methods’ implementation. Clearer descriptions of SCO mechanisms;
Needs of LAGs 1. Improving CLLD and multi-fund approach implementation: 1.4. Increasing the budget of CLLD for viable and further developed CLLD; 1.5. Capacity building of authorities and LAGs to implement CLLD; 1.6. Support services’ (legal advisory, trainings, etc) quality and further development for LAGs; 1.7. Mentoring programs for EU pre-accession countries to provide support to establish LAGs and start LEADER/CLLD implementation.
Needs of LAGs 2. Strengthening national policies and rising co-operation capability between authorities: 2.1. Effective and transparent coordination between different authorities and ministries at national level; 2.2. Definition of roles of different LEADER bodies and authorities; 2.3. Clear instruments and guidelines to achieve cohesion of rural and urban areas; 2.4. Simplification and harmonization of national regulations and rules; 2.5. National targets for evaluation of LEADER/CLLD. Defining also impact and result indicators at national level; 2.6. Ensuring the continuity between program periods and smooth implementation in order to guarantee the sustainable functioning of LAGs.
Needs of LAGs – strategies implementation 3. Innovative and flexible implementation of local development strategies (LDS): 3.1. Giving importance and promotion of LAGs’ animation activities. Defining indicators to measure the impact of animation; 3.2. Creation of attractive and viable jobs; 3.3. Innovation of strategies’ implementation and regional development processes (Smart strategies, new technologies, involvement methods, new forms of management and co- operation, regional clusters, etc); 3.4. Clear and simple evaluation and monitoring models of LDS, the results of which are also available for communities. Evaluation is a part of a community’s learning process;
Needs of LAGs – strategies implementation 3. Innovative and flexible implementation of local development strategies (LDS): 3.5. Increasing LAGs’ independence and decision making rights (incl. TNC projects); 3.6. Support systems to simplify LEADER/CLLD implementation processes. F.g. flexible IT platforms for projects treatment, selection and evaluation; 3.7. To achieve the balance between administrative procedures and development/animation activities. Time resources have been spent in reasonable proportion – 70% on development activities and 30% on administrative activities.
Needs of LAGs 4. Transnational and inter-territorial co-operation 4.1. Simplification and harmonization of national regulations, drawing up guidelines; 4.2. Harmonization of regulations and rules of co-operation measure in Europe; 4.3. Drawing up co-operation regulations and guidelines at national level for co-operation with EU pre-accession and other third countries; 4.4. Guaranteeing the sustainability and effectiveness of co- operation; 4.5. Enable LAGs to implement umbrella projects. Simplification of models of umbrella projects and their implementation; 4.6. Promotion and simplification of inter-territorial co-operation, regional co-operation clusters, co-operation across sectors. Needs of LAGs MORE THAN 20 RDPS AND ALL RULES ARE DIFFERENT
Needs of LAGs 5. Renewal of the 25-year-old LEADER method for 2020+ period 5.1. Keeping LEADER/CLLD in accordance and adaptive with changing living and working environment in rural areas (social cohesion, migration, regional clusters, green economy, climate change, smart solutions, technology, etc); 5.2. Revolution of new technologies and IT creates new opportunities, which should be integrated into the LEADER/CLLD methodology; 5.3. Territorial cohesion creates synergy and helps use new resources and opportunities.
To sum it up 1. Innovative and flexible LDS – all new issues and possibilities to create synergy, animation activities of LAGs, monitoring and evaluation, transnational cooperation; 2. Good dialogue and strong cooperation between all LEADER actors, clear understanding of roles; 3. Capacity building of MAs, PAs and LAGs, creating common understanding; 4. Simplification - SCO and procedures both; To keep balance with everything new what is coming in and LEADER roots – 7 key principles
ELARD contact ELARD, aisbl Atrium Science Rue de la Science 14B Brussels 1040 BELGIUM
Thank You! Lõpuslaid Kristiina Tammets