Welcome to the ENERGY CLUB
INTRODUCTIONS Lilian Nguyen Yancey Crase Cody Hayes Jayraj Ligade President – lilinguy@iupui.edu Yancey Crase Vice President – ycrase@umail.iu.edu Cody Hayes Secretary - codyhaye@iupui.edu Jayraj Ligade ASHRAE President – jdligade@umail.iu.edu Abdul hadi Ayoub IAC Student Leader – aayoub@iupui.edu Ali Razban Club Sponsor - arazban@iupui.edu
WHAT IS ENERGY CLUB ONE TWO THREE Expose and educate students to various ideas, research, education and careers available in the energy sector and associated fields TWO Provide outreach to the local public schools to encourage youth in energy-related fields THREE Provide collaborative opportunities for students to work on projects related to energy that may benefit the IUPUI campus
OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS! WHAT DO WE DO ~ONE EVENT PER MONTH! TOURS IPL, Citizens Energy Group, Bean Center in Ft. Wayne, Coal Power Plant in Terra Haute, Ray’s Recycling Facility, etc. GUEST SPEAKERS Christopher Cummins, Paul Mitchell, etc. VISIT LOCAL HIGH SCHOOLS Carmel High School, Pike High School, North Central High School, etc. PROJECTS Eco-Shell Marathon (ASME) HVAC Competition (ASHRAE) VOLUNTEER Lilly Explorers, Science Olympiad, etc. STUDY ABROAD GO Green! in France (Feb 22nd) or Germany (April 8th) http://abroad.iupui.edu/apply-program/iu-programs.html ~ONE EVENT PER MONTH! OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS!
An Overlook of Events FEBRUARY 10th FEBRUARY 15th FEBRUARY 25th CEO of Energy Systems Network Paul Mitchell 3:00pm-4:30pm ET 317 FEBRUARY 15th Help with Eli Lilly and its event for Lilly Explorers 6:00pm-8:00pm ET Building First Floor FEBRUARY 25th Volunteer for Science Olympiad Butler University MARCH 3rd MISO Tour 2:00pm-3:00pm APRIL 22nd Volunteer at Earth Day: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0948a9a923a0f94-2015 Additional April event?
About ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers IUPUI’s Official Start Date: February 1st, 2017 Monthly Meetings with national ASHRAE $20 Student Annual Membership HVAC Competition: $2,000 prize Scholarships Available A GREAT way to network!!! https://www.ashrae.org/
“Teams located at 24 universities around the country conduct the energy audits to identify opportunities to improve productivity, reduce waste, and save energy.” About IAC Industrial Assessment Center Funded by the Department of Energy Performs energy audits for qualifying industries https://energy.gov/eere/amo/industrial-assessment-centers-iacs “IACs train the next-generation of energy savvy engineers, more than 60 percent of which pursue energy-related careers upon graduation.”
PROJECTS Shell Eco-Marathon with ASME ASHRAE Competition Shell Eco-marathon challenges young engineers from around the world to design, build and drive energy-efficient vehicles. Contact Michael Reed at reedmd@umail.iu.edu ASHRAE Competition Contact Jayraj
Monthly Meetings Availability: https://goo.gl/forms/66ISmu6GHzhwYoKj2 Deadline: Wednesday, February 8th Co-coordinate with ASHRAE Keep you updated with events Discuss future events Stay informed of ASHRAE national meetings Volunteer to speak about anything energy related
Elections President -- Responsible for scheduling events Vice-President -- Responsible for registering events and creating announcements through The Den Secretary -- Responsible for recording minutes during monthly meetings and uploading them through The Den Media Specialist -- Responsible for taking photos during meetings or events and uploading them to our Facebook page Treasurer -- Responsible with the club's funds and determines how they are distributed four our benefit If you are interested in any of the positions, fill out the form at https://goo.gl/forms/IgywS4klw1vTieCr2 ***Deadline: February 7th*** Voting will take place February 8th-10th
CONTACT US The Den Facebook IAC Student Leader Join the Energy Club on The Den Facebook ‘Like’ our IUPUI Energy Club page IAC Student Leader Abdul hadi Ayoub – aayoub@iupui.edu http://www.iupui.edu/~meengr/iac/ ET 314H Interviews for Summer and Fall 2017