Municipality of Bogovinje
Municipality of Bogovinje Municipality of Bogovinje,is one of the newest municipalities in the Republic of Macedonia, in the present borders functioning since 2006, after joining the former municipalities of Bogovinje and Kamenjane. It lies in the north-western part of the Republic of Macedonia, the left side of the Vardar river and the Pollog valley at the foot of the Sharr Mountain. The municipality has an area of 150km2 at an altitude from 500 to 1200.
Municipality of Bogovinje There are 16 settlements dispersed in it, according to the latest census there are about 32,000 inhabitants, mainly ethnic Albanians, in coexistence with few inhabitants, Macedonians and Turks. In the municipality of Bogovinje, you discover the authenticity of the transition from the modernization of urban areas in this municipality through the development of small and medium enterprises which create technical-civilizational preconditions for the existence of a part of the inhabitants. The rest of the residents will offer you farm produce, livestock and traditional household products.
Municipality of Bogovinje Within the municipality of Bogovinje are formed the sectors of urbanism, legal services, finance and budget sector and local economic development unit, all in the service of the citizens and to facilitate the development of businesses. The municipality has also been engaged (by organizing several regional trade fairs) to allow industrial or agricultural products to be marketed, facilitating business and at the same time introducing them to a loyal competition within and outside the country by building cogs and securing the price of the products.
Municipality of Bogovinje In the municipality of Bogovinje we have three lakes: Bogovinje Lake, White Lake and Black Lake which are in an altitude from 1960 to 2200m. They are used as recreation sites such as hiking, picnic etc.
Municipality of Bogovinje The leadership of the Municipality of Bogovinje is held in determining the serious development of tourism as well as the overall growth of economic conditions through natural resources utilization and creation of conditions for the growth of small and medium enterprises. In that direction, efforts are also made to create three industrial zones, small and medium-sized industries in Bogovinje, development of the food industry in Kamjan and a special industrial area in Pirok.
Municipality of Bogovinje In the Municipality of Bogovinje there are employed 40 persons. In 2006 there were only three women employed, but now there are 17 women employed in different sectors: finance, auditing / revision, taxation, urbanism, local economic development, normative legal issues, and two of them are also Head of Unit.
Municipality of Bogovinje In addition to the various projects implemented in the area of infrastructure, such as the reconstruction of roads, schools, construction of river beds, canals etc, the municipality of Bogovinje has been very focused on projects for gender equality.
Municipality of Bogovinje First of all as a base, a gender action plan for 2011-2015 has been prepared. Thereafter, the Business Incubator for Support of Women Entrepreneurs was launched, a gender-responsive budget project, which is covered by UN WOMEN, the municipality's involvement in the fund has been to support young entrepreneurs and women entrepreneurs to expand their businesses and to create more jobs for other women where 15 initiatives were supported.
The river in Kamenjane
The center of Bogovinje
The center of Pirok