Hook: What do you already know? Fill in one thing you already know about abortion Triangle of Learning One thing I already knew (Just fill in) this box) Give one argument for and against abortion Three things I have learnt S.C: I can identify what I already know about when life begins.
What is abortion and who has the right to say? Success Criteria: I can define abortion I can identify what I already know about abortion. I can understand and explain facts about the nature of abortion. I can examine the Christian response to abortion. I can evaluate attitudes towards abortion. I can assess my knowledge through a GCSE question. Lo: To know what different people think. To understand their POV. To reflect on whether I agree with religious or non-religious views on abortion.
First ideas: Do you agree with abortion? What is abortion? Abortion: The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive First ideas: Do you agree with abortion?
Some facts for you to consider In 2015, for women residents in England and Wales: the total number of abortions was 185,824. the abortion rate was highest for women age 21. 92% of abortions were carried out at under 13 weeks gestation, 80% were at under 10 3,213 abortions (1%) were under ground E, risk that the child would be born handicapped 38% of abortions in 2015 were to women who had already had one or more abortions. 4
Which do you agree with? Why? When the baby can survive on its own. Which do you agree with? Why?
Development of a foetus: have a look at your sheet and see if you can match up the development of the foetus to how long they have been developing for. 1: When does life begin? 2: At what stage should abortion be allowed?
What do people think about abortion? The 1967 Abortion Act said that abortion is legal if: two doctors agree that it is necessary the foetus is not viable, i.e. before 24 weeks. Where is your limit compared to the abortion limit? Do you agree with the abortion limit tell me why?
Should we allow abortion at 24 weeks? No, we should not allow abortion at 24 weeks Yes, we should allow abortion at 24 weeks Get pupils to write their name on a post it and stick this to a copy of this slide at the front of the class Lesson Outcomes: Develop a personal response to abortion based on scientific and legal facts
Among people in general there are two broad attitudes to abortion
Pro-choice versus Pro-life Some people believe that it is the Mother’s choice as to whether an abortion should take place. These people are called “Pro-choice”. Some people believe that all life is sacred and that abortion should never take place. These people are called “Pro-life”. They often go to extreme lengths to stop abortions taking place.
Write down reasons for each different viewpoint sorting out the statement into the right columns Pro Life Pro Choice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlhrzZB_xZ0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IS0PJdE0Cs
The Abortion debate Arguments for If abortion became a crime thousands of women would risk their lives in back –street clinics If a women is raped and becomes pregnant then having the baby would be too much trauma http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peezG_HUnKk Opinion differs as to when life begins, a minority has no right to impose its views on the rest of us Every child has the right to be a wanted child. Abortion saves children from being unwanted
Arguments against The unborn child has a right to life The UN Declaration of human rights states that children need protection before, as well as after birth If abortion is acceptable, where do we draw the line? It is a form of infanticide The child could be adopted to parents who can give the child a chance to life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j8FjtTDw834
Activity: Read the list of possible people involved in decisions about an abortion: The father The potential grandparents The doctor who will carry out the abortion Members of a religion The mother Write down why each would claim they have a right to have their views heard. Then rank them in order of priority. Does the foetus have any rights to be considered?
Section D practice GCSE question ‘Abortion is murder’. Discuss this statement showing that you have considered more than one point of view. (You must refer to religion and belief in your answer) 15 Marks 5 x PEE needed to gain full marks 1 X PEE - R – Religion 1 X PEE - O – Own opinion 1 X PEE - A – agree (and explained) 1 X PEE - D – disagree (and explained) 1 X PEE - S – summary (and explained)
Write a letter as if you were a Christian explaining your views on abortion to someone who was considering having an abortion. Obviously, you would need to be respectful and show you have considered their point of view, but you must clearly set out the Christian viewpoint and use the Bible verses to back it up. Dear… I am writing to explain my views on abortion. Firstly I think that… because it says in the bible that… I also believe that… because it says in the bible that… Extension: i) List the alternatives to abortion. ii) Do you think more should be done to encourage people to choose these alternatives?
Abortion Quiz
When was abortion made legal in the UK? Before this time many women were dying after having ‘back street abortions’ which were not carried out by doctors
Abortion is only legal if… B) two doctors agree it is necessary. It must also be carried out on a registered premises
At what stage in the pregnancy does the baby’s heart start to beat? A) 4 weeks. By 12 weeks, all the organs of the body are fully formed
Abortion is legal… C) Up to 24 weeks Currently, a baby can sometimes survive if born prematurely from 23 weeks.
In 2007 the total number of abortions in England and Wales was: C) 198,500 The abortion rate was highest for woman aged 19
What rights does the father of the child have when considering abortion? b) The father has no rights
Plenary: Triangle of Learning Fill in three things you have learnt from today’s lesson! Triangle of Learning One thing I already knew Give one argument for and against abortion Three things I have learnt S.C: I can identify what I have learnt about abortion.
Topic Key Words Which of these words are related to Pro life: Word Bank: Embryo/Foetus Various pet names It An accident Him/her He/she Pregnancy Unplanned pregnancy Boy/girl Unwanted pregnancy Unborn baby/child Person Products of pregnancy Human tissue A potential human being Baby Human being with potential A mistake Child Pro life: Pro Choice: These words are impersonal, often scientific and do not recognize the humanity of the unborn by referring to the medical condition of the mother, i.e. ‘the pregnancy’ These words are personal and recognize the humanity of the unborn child.