Hickory High School Board Presentation proposed SMART Lunch Program for 2014-2015
Students Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time What is SMART Lunch? Students Maximizing Achievement with Resources and Time
WHAT IS SMART LUNCH? Scheduled time during the instructional day to meet the individual needs of students to ensure academic success.
SMART LUNCH INCLUDES… Choice, Freedom, & Responsibility for students. Time for students to: Make up work or tutoring Enrichment/Guest Speakers Free Time/Physical Activity Club time Opportunities for teachers: Student relationships Weekly PLC Meetings Focused Intervention
SMART LUNCH INCLUDES… Cafeteria Breezeway Classrooms MALL
REGULAR BELL SCHEDULE: 1st Period 85 Minutes 7:35-9:00 2nd Period 9:05-10:30 SMART Lunch A 27 Minutes 10:35-11:02 SMART Lunch B 11:05-11:32 3rd Period 11:37-1:02 Brain Break 8 Minutes 1:02-1:10 4th Period 1:10-2:35 *This includes 10 minutes added to daily schedule.
BIG PICTURE THE SCHEDULE: Hickory High School Tutorial Schedule Department Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tutorial A Tutorial B CTE 10 Closed Supervision Open 7 3 MATH 8 8 F-LANGUAGES/ESL 6 6 ENGLISH 8 SCIENCE 8 HISTORY 7 FINE ARTS/ROTC 6 PE 6 Counselors/TA 6 S/O O/S EC 5 5 Supervision Total 22 20 12 11 Closed Tutorial Open Supervision PLC
How Will We Measure Success? Student Grades Course Pass Rates Attendance in Tutorials Discipline Surveys (teacher/student)
Who’s In Favor: Parent Results: Student Results: Teacher Results: Please click on the link to take Teacher Survey:
Stakeholders’ Feedback: AK – “ESL/EC students who want/need extra help and don't have the time in their schedules either during the day or afterschool!” MA- “Benefits students in all curriculum and rewards high achievers.. Witnessed great morale amongst students who are able to have freedom and choices. I don't see a 'down side' if implemented well from beginning . Am a BIG fan- love it!!!” PLM- “Students get fresh air, exercise, down-time, time with friends they do not see in class then can return to 3rd period refreshed and ready to learn.” “I think it is important that we teach them healthy ways to manage stress, and SMART lunch seems like a great way to learn and practice this lifelong skill.” CR- “I loved it. I think this is the change HHS needs. We have been saying for years that when you do the same thing over and over you can't expect different results. This would give us a great way to reach the middle of the road students.” SP – “Benefits to teachers such as faculty meetings, department meetings, and professional development all happening during school hours seem to make the transition to SMART lunch worthwhile.” AK-“will work well for special populations” CR- “All the students loved SL and they really said it made a difference for them. I love that they said they felt recharged for the later periods.” TB-”gives more choice to all students” RK-“Most teachers we spoke with said it was difficult at first but they were so happy with the results. Some teachers opened their doors even when they didn't have to...talk about developing relationships. I liked everything about this program.” TB -“It is a privilege that can be taken away”
WHY ARE LUNCHES SCHEDULED SO EARLY IN THE DAY? To ensure all students with alternate schedules are afforded the opportunity to attend. (Internship, LR & CVCC students) Re-energize students and faculty. Brain Break after 3rd period. (longer class change – Snack Opportunity)
Comments/Feedback/Concerns: Click the links below to leave your feedback/comments. Simply click on the Favorable link to leave positive comments and the Concerns link for negative comments. Favorable: http://padlet.com/wall/3e3flkev3n (click on the padlet wall and enter feedback) Concerns: http://padlet.com/wall/ecichqn9az (click on the padlet wall and enter feedback)