Promoting Excellence: Embedding Catholic identity and mission in Curriculum Explore Catholic identity and mission in curriculum using the lens of Catholic Social Thought and Teaching; Examine specific disciplines through the lens of Catholic Social Thought and Teaching; Incorporate CST into learning and teaching strategies, and Community Engagement experiences; Explore resources to support the incorporation of ACU’s identity and mission into curriculum, and consider their utilisation. Anthony Steel & Prof Jude Butcher Institute for Advancing Community Engagement July 2016
Catholic Social Teaching Catholic Social Thought Catholic Identity and Mission Catholic Social Teaching Catholic Social Thought Conceptual Pillars The common good and human flourishing Appreciation of the sacred in life Ecological integrity
Small group conversations around focus questions: Where do you see these conceptual pillars, and CST aligning with your discipline’s content, and with ACU’s Graduate Attributes? What do they ‘look like’ in your discipline? As we plan courses, what do we do to incorporate these conceptual pillars, and CST into curriculum?
Small group conversations (continued) What needs to be done within your discipline to ensure that learning and teaching strategies along with Community Engagement experiences * draw students into a deeper understanding and expression of ACU’s identity and mission? * enhance their capacity to be participative and contributive professionals in their chosen field?
Small group conversations (continued) In light of these conversations, what do we need to do differently to what we’ve done in the past?
Some useful resources ACU/CA/CRA brochure on Catholic Social Teaching IACE CE Resource for staff Community Engagement and Learning: Making a Difference FHS/IACE Student Reflection Journal and Log Book IACE CE Resource for Students (electronic resource, on each undergraduate student’s LEO homepage) Short talking head videos on CST prepared for the core curriculum (UNCC100 LEO website) Catholic Bishops of Scotland on Social Teaching: (includes good CST links) The Catholic Intellectual Tradition: A conversation at Boston College: Exploring the Catholic Intellectual Tradition: