Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Background He was born 24 october 1989,in Gothenburg, Sweden.His parents named him Felix,that means happy.He was also fabulous backthen,when he was young.Once he went to kindergarten with a skirt and his hair up and told everyone that he was a girl. He drew video games characters and loved playing video games so much that he would pretend to be sick just to stay home and play video games .Video games would always make him happy. At college he started making youtube gaming videos.He was able to afford his things for recording by making pictures in fotoshop and selling them. Some time after starting youtube career, he met his gf,Marzia and they are still together . He has two pugs,Maya and Edgar
Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Background He was born 24 october 1989,in Gothenburg, Sweden.His parents named him Felix,that means happy.He was also fabulous backthen,when he was young.Once he went to kindergarten with a skirt and his hair up and told everyone that he was a girl. He drew video games characters and loved playing video games so much that he would pretend to be sick just to stay home and play video games .Video games would always make him happy. At college he started making youtube gaming videos.He was able to afford his things for recording by making pictures in fotoshop and selling them. Some time after starting youtube career, he met his gf,Marzia and they are still together . He has two pugs,Maya and Edgar
Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE His personality is what he is famous for. He is funny,kind,cute and screams like a little girl while playing video games. He is caring,always showing love for his bros and he also donated 1million $ for some kinds of charities like Judith hospital, Save the children and more. He also wrote an amazing book called This Book Loves You. Personal characteristics
Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Achievements Now he has the number one youtube channel with 40million subscribers and over 10billion views. Some people say that in 2014 he made over 7.5million $,but he says that it's not important how much he makes,to him,all it's important is support from his bros and that he is going to donate more money to water charity.
Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Why I Admire Him Pewds plays games so people don’t have to buy them themselves ,they can just watch him play and his comments are funny.But his channel isn`t just games he also does 5 weird stuff online,Fridays with pewdiepie,vlogs… He posts one video a day,so if you cant wait for another one you can watch smosh,iisuperwomanii,tyler oakley,jenna marbels,niga higa,vsauce,asapscience,fine bros,erb,markiplier,collegehumor,jacksepticeye,fa ilarmy,ksi……
Lingva ICT projects FAMOUS PEOPLE Useful links: www.biography.com http://www.famouspeople.com/famous_biographies.htm http://www.who2.com/ http://www.aboutfamouspeople.com/ My Hero : Directory