Mexican-American War Honors US History I.


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Presentation transcript:

Mexican-American War Honors US History I

Executive Decisions A. President James K. Polk 1. elected president in 1844 election 2. platform was “Manifest Destiny” B. Expansion 1. Texas admitted as 28th state a. Border with Mexico remains unclear

b. Mexico still angry over rebellion 2. also advocates that California revolt against Mexican rule Diplomatic Attempts A. John Slidell 1. 1845: Pres. Polk sends Slidell to MEX with offer to buy California

John Slidell President Polk

a. Also discuss Texas problem b. offer $25 million for area B. Offer 1. Mexico refuses to even speak with Slidell a. Still mad about Texas b. Considers California offer an insult

C. Emotional Reaction 1. Slidell’s mission is successful in rousing anti- American voices in the American government 2. Mexican officials almost ready to fight 3. US picks a fight

Border Dispute A. Nueces River 1. Mexico claims that the southern border of Texas runs along the Nueces River B. Rio Grande 1. US claims that the southern border of Texas runs along the Rio Grande River a. 120 miles south of Nueces River

Nueces Boundary Rio Grande Boundary

C. Polk Picks a Fight 1. Pres. Polk upset at Slidell’s failure 2. Polk decides to act 3. Polk sends Gen. Zachary Taylor to move his troops along the Rio Grande River 4. US is looking for a reason to fight

General Zachary Taylor

D. First Shots 1. April 1846: Mexican soldiers cross Rio Grande and attack small group of US cavalry stationed there 2. Mexicans feel that these troops are positioned WITHIN the country of Mexico

Nueces Boundary Rio Grande Boundary Taylor’s Encampment

E. Declaration of War 1. Polk prepares a war message in response to Mexico’s “hostilities” 2. May 13, 1846: the US Congress declares war

"War News from Mexico" by Richard Caton Woodville 1848

US Strategy A. Part One 1. Gen. Taylor and troops invade northern Mexico 2. experience no major resistance from Mexicans

Gen. Stephen Kearny Gen. Zachary Taylor Gen. Winfield Scott

B. Part Two 1. Gen. Stephen Kearny leads small force west into New Mexico and then to California 2. barely any shots fired

Kearny Taylor Scott

C. Part Three 1. Gen. Winfield Scott sails south with troops to capture Mexico City, Mexico a. Capital of Mexico b. First amphibious landing by US forces 2. faces some opposition 3. captures Mexico City in 6 months of fighting

End of War A. Annexation 1. some members of Congress advocated the US annex the entire country of Mexico while they had the chance 2. Mexico could not really resist attempt

B. Diplomacy 1. Pres. Polk sends Nicholas Trist with the same offer as Slidell a. $25 million for area 2. February 1848: treaty signed between nations

Nicholas Trist

C. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo 1. US acquires lands from Mexico in treaty a. present-day Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, and parts of Colorado, Nevada and Utah b. Nearly 55% of Mexico

3. US assumes Mexican debt to American settlers a. About $3.25 million 2. US pays Mexico $15 million compensation for war-time damages 3. US assumes Mexican debt to American settlers a. About $3.25 million 4. the southern Texas border will be at the Rio Grande

6. U.S. promises to police its side of the border 5. US guarantees protection of Mexican nationals living within new border a. About 75,000 people 6. U.S. promises to police its side of the border 7. compulsory arbitration of future disputes 8. US will protect Mexican land grants in US area a. Repealed by Senate

D. Gadsden Purchase 1. 1835: US purchases tiny strip of land along southern border of present-day Arizona and New Mexico 2. pays $10 million 3. provides RR route all the way west coast through Rocky Mountains 4. completes US expansion