9-3 Expansion in Texas 9-4 The War with Mexico Pgs. 268 -277
Americans Settle in the Southwest Hispanic and Native American Populations Hispanics tried to convert Native Americans to Catholicism and forced them to work at presidios (forts) When Mexico won its independence many N. Americans escaped. Some were still forced to work Comanche and Apache stole livestock from Tejanos (Mexican and American settlers in Texas)
Americans Settle in the Southwest The Impact of Mexican Independence Tejano livestock was a valuable product Trade was not restricted between America and Mexico. Mexico City was where government was located. Wanted to strengthen ties between Mexico City and the northern provinces.
Americans Settle in the Southwest Mexico Invites U.S. Settlers Government encouraged Americans to settle in Mexico. Land grants offered and Americans purchased them Had to convert to Catholicism and obey Mexican Laws. Soon Americans outnumbered Tejanos
Americans Settle in the Southwest Austin in Texas Stephen F. Austin Established a colony “no drunkard, gambler, profane swearer, or idler allowed” Texas’s Old Three Hundred Americans soon talked about extending the U.S. border to the Rio Grande. Offers to buy Texas had been refused by Mexico. ($1-5 million dollars offered.)
Texas Fights for Independence Mexico started to get upset with Americans moving to Texas Brought slaves with them (illegal in Mexico) Spoke English Result: Heavy tax on importation of American Goods Sealed borders against any further immigration from U.S. Didn’t work because Mexico lacked the military force. Mexican president Antonio López de Santa Anna Suspended powers in Texas and other Mexican states – rebellion occurred ( Texas Revolution)
Texas Fights for Independence “Remember the Alamo!” Austin was against Santa Anna and was prepared to resist the 4,000 man led army marching towards Texas. Lieutenant Colonel William Travis moved his men to the Alamo – a Franciscan Mission. From Feb. 23 – March 6, 1836 Santa Anna attacked the rebels in the Alamo. Santa Anna and his men killed over 1,500 people and won the battle. On March 2, 1836, Texans declared their independence from Mexico. Said their rights were violated and drafted a Constitution similar to that of the United States.
Texas Fights for Independence In March, Santa Anna’s troops executed 445 rebels at Goliad. Rebel leader Sam Houston and 900 men surprised a group of Mexicans and shouted “Remember the Alamo!” as they killed 630 of Santa Anna’s men in 15 minutes and captured Santa Anna. Treaty of Velasco was signed and gave Texas its independence. Santa Anna was freed. 1836 Sam Houston President of the Republic of Texas. Called the Lone Star (white and red flag with one star)
Texas Fights for Independence Texas Joins the Union Fear over annexation due to slavery issue. December 29, 1845 Texas became a state Mexico furious and removed its ambassador from Washington, D.C.
Polk Urges War Slidell’s Rejection Sectional Attitudes Towards War November 1845 Pres. Polk sent representative to Mexico to purchase California and New Mexico and to have the border be the Rio Grande River. New President of Mexico wouldn’t see Slidel so Polk sent General Zachary Taylor to march to the Rio Grande and blockade the river. Sectional Attitudes Towards War South wanted war – could expand slavery North didn’t want war – saw it as a plot to expand slavery.
The War Begins John C. Frémont sent American party to explore California. Mexico saw as invasion killed 11 U.S. Soldies Polk urged for war. Kearny Marches West Colonel Stephen Kearny marched 800 miles to New Mexico prepared to fight, and was met with open arms…New Mexico became part of the United States without a shot being fired.
The War Begins The Bear Flag Republic The War in Mexico What California was called Mexico gave up California because they were outnumbered by naval and army forces. The War in Mexico Poor leadership in Mexico was reason for defeat. Captain Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant good American leaders (West Point Graduates)
The War Begins Santa Anna Was living in Cuba and told Polk that if he helped him, he would take over Mexico and end the war. He lied and took over forces fighting more battles.
America Claims the Spoils of War The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo Mexico agreed to the Rio Grande border for Texas and ceded New Mexico and California territories to the United States. U.S. agreed to pay $15 million for the cession. Gadsden Purchase – United States payed Mexico an additional $10 million for another piece of territory. United States had current shape.
America Claims the Spoils of War New President Zachary Taylor The California Gold Rush Gold discovered at Sutter’s Mill People who traveled to California in 1849 called “fourty-niners” Gold Rush San Francisco became the center for those traveling in search of gold. California’s population skyrocketed to 100,000 and they applied for statehood.