Earth Basics Compositional Layers Structural Layers Ecosystems Earth’s Storehouses 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
This is the third planet from the sun.
What is the Earth?
Although Earth appears to be a perfect sphere, it is actually this shape.
What is an Oblate spheroid?
This is the force of attraction that exists between all matter.
What is gravity?
This is the magnetic field that surrounds the Earth.
What is the “magnetosphere?’
“The attraction between two objects depends on the masses of the objects and the distance between the objects” is a re-statement of this scientific law.
What is Newton’s Law of gravitation?
This is the thinnest compositional layer.
What is the crust?
This is the layer composed of nickel and iron.
What is the core?
This is the layer composed of 60% feldspar.
What is the crust?
This layer is composed of magnesium-iron silicates.
What is the mantle?
This is the thickest and most dense layer on Earth, accounting for 1/3 the Earth’s mass.
What is the core?
This is the layer of solid rock that flows This is the layer of solid rock that flows. The rock in this zone is “plastic.”
What is the asthenosphere?
This layer is thought to be at least partially responsible for Earth’s magnetic field.
What is the Outer Core?
This is the dense, solid, innermost sphere of the Earth.
What is the inner core.
This layer is found between the asthenosphere and the outer core
What is the mesosphere?
This rigid layer contains the crust and the upper mantle
What is the lithosphere?
This is the ultimate source of energy on Earth.
What is the sun?
This is the largest population of a species that an environment can support at any given time.
What is carrying capacity?
This is a diagram that shows how food chains are interconnected.
What is a food web?
This type of organism makes its own food.
What is a producer?
This is an organism that breaks down decaying organic matter for food.
What is a decomposer?
This organized group of related components has energy, but not matter exchanged.
What is a closed system?
This reservoir stores all the water on Earth, except the water vapor in the air.
What is the hydrosphere?
This reservoir contains all living organisms and organic matter that has not yet decayed.
What is the biosphere?
This reservoir is a blanket of gases such a nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide that surround the Earth.
What is the atmosphere?
This is the reservoir that includes the mostly solid part of the Earth that extends from the crust to the inner core.
What is the geosphere?