Hibernate, Migrate, or Deal With It? Auke Bay Elementary Winter, 2014 4th Grade
What Am I? I have a wide ranging diet that includes insects, nuts, berries, and salmon Although I live as far south as Mexico, I prefer the cooler climates of Southeast Alaska Even though I am part of the sloth group, I can run very fast if I am scared or angry I am most commonly black, but I can also be blue-grey, brown, cinnamon, or even white
I am a black bear! Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it? http://westernwildlife.org/black-bear-outreach-project/black-bear-ursus-americanus/ Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it?
What Am I? I like to eat invertebrates Although most of my family likes to “croak”, I like to “peep” I have a long, sticky tongue that I use to catch my food I am an amphibian I am a tadpole for the first stage of my life
I am a boreal toad! Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it? http://m9.i.pbase.com/o3/11/497011/1/125010199.dydzKkes.toad061510IMG_1124copy.jpg Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it?
What Am I? Although I spend much of my time holding my breath, I am known for my singing I am one of the biggest mammals in the world Even though I am very large, I eat some of the smallest creatures in the ocean; krill My flippers are nearly one third the length of my body
I am a humpback whale! Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it? http://dealbreaker.com/uploads/2012/08/Humpback-Whale-Breaching.jpg Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it?
What Am I? Even though I only eat vegetation, I can weigh up to 700 lbs Lichen is one of my favorite foods I am the only female deer to have antlers My Norwegian cousins are often called Reindeer
I am a caribou! Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it? http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/species/speciesinfo/caribou/images/caribou_denali.jpg Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it?
What Am I? I am nocturnal, so I like to sleep during the day and move around at night I use my sharp from teeth to strip bark off of tree trunks I may have poor eyesight, but can climb trees very well Some people call me a “quill pig” because I have up to 30,000 spikes in my back and tail
I am a porcupine! Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it? http://healthhub.brighamandwomens.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Porcupine.jpg Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it?
What Am I? Like many of my fellow rodents, I only eat vegetation I change color from brown to white with the land around me My powerful hind legs and wide, flat feet help me hop quickly through the snow I have to move fast to avoid becoming dinner for lynx, coyotes, and birds of prey
I am a snowshoe hare! Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it? http://ecologyadventure.edublogs.org/files/2010/04/babbbby.jpg http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Snowshoe_Hare-_Alert_(6990916044).jpg Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it?
What Am I? I have six legs and a striped thorax I am a flower’s best friend, since I spread its pollen to help it reproduce I work hard collecting pollen in order to keep my queen and my hive alive I make delicious honey
I am a bee! Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e0/Honeybee_landing_on_milkthistle02.jpg Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it?
What Am I? I fly more than 24,000 miles each year I experience more daylight than any other living creature I am an expert fisher, and can see small fish in the water as I fly overhead There is a small colony of us living at the Mendenhall Glacier
I am an arctic tern! Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it? http://spydersden.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/tern.jpg Do I hibernate, migrate, or deal with it?