UPIPS Record Review Training 2016-2017
Sevier District UPIPS Record Reviews 2016-2017 School Year The 2016-2017 Sevier District File Review Team will review files. Date TBD School Level Reviews- K-12 special ed. teachers will need to meet at the school level to review at least 1 file/teacher (NSHS/NSMS meet together) Speech, Severe/Profound &Preschool- teachers working within these programs will need to schedule an internal review within their department to review at least 1file/teacher
Sevier District UPIPS Record Reviews 2016-2017 School Year File reviews to take place between January – March Findings of non compliance corrected before the last day of school. End of Year file payment will not be paid if findings of non compliance are not correct.
Accessing the UPIPS system: https://upips.schools.utah.g ov/Login.aspx If you have forgotten your password, click the “forgot your password” link to reset. Your account is linked to your seviersd.org email.
Conducting a Record Review After logging in, hover over the “Data Entry” tab on the UPIPS home screen. From the drop down menu, select “LEA Internal 2016- 2017 Complete File Review” To begin reviewing a record, click the “+ Start Here” button.
Conducting a Record Review The UPIPS Complete Record Review is systematically structured and proceeds in a specified order (see list to the right). To begin, you must first enter YOUR information in the Reviewer Fields. After entering your information, sign the record of access in the student’s file and indicate one of the following: Form available and signed by reviewer; Form missing but corrected immediately; OR *Form missing and NOT corrected *In our district, C is NOT an option. If the form is not available, fix it immediately (form available in district documents in PowerIEP. UPIPS Record Review Structure Student Demographic Information Initial Evaluations & Reevaluations Initial Eligibility & Reevaluation Eligibility Eligibility Criteria & Evaluation Student IEP LRE/Placement Secondary Transition Requirements.
Student Demographic Information Items asked: Student First Name/Student Last Name Student’s Disability (classification) USBE Student ID (it is not required to enter the ID #; you can still complete the review if this item is left blank) Student Date of Birth Student Age at Time of Record Review; Student Grade at time IEP was written AND at time of Record Review (you may need to select 2 grades here) Student Gender Student Race/Ethnicity
Student Demographic Information Items asked continued: Student Gender Student Race/Ethnicity Location of Services (choose district) New drop down appears with Sevier District prepopulated Select Agency (choose your school) Teacher First Name/Last Name & email (the teacher who holds the file) Language Documented (this one is tricky - - pay attention) Is the language documented in the student’s file? Yes or No Is the primary home language a language other than English? Yes or No** **Most of the time, you will answer NO to this question; this is getting at whether the student is also a potential ELL student**
Student Demographic Information A note on file organization/order With the PLAFFP correctly placed on the top, you will have almost all of the information you need to complete the student demographic section. See the Closer Look document dated March of 2016 (found in PowerIEP under district documents)
Initial Evaluations & Reevaluations File Status How to answer will depend on student’s age Think: Has the student been through a re-eval? If yes, choose the Reevaluation selection that corresponds to the student’s age. If no, choose Initial Evaluation selection that corresponds to the student’s age. How you answer this question will determine the questions you will be asked moving forward.
Initial Evaluations & Reevaluations Parent Consent for Initial Evaluation: Yes/No Date Received Date Completed Summer or Holiday Override: # of days school not in session during the time evaluation was being completed Length of time to complete: auto calculated Areas of Concern- were all areas of concern addressed? Consent Obtained to Evaluation- Was consent obtained for all areas that were assessed? Review of Existing Data- Did the IEP team conduct a data review to determine if additional assessment was needed? How you answer this question will determine the questions you will be asked moving forward. If additional assessment needed, will lead into evidence of parent consent for evaluation and timeline compliance. If no additional assessment was needed, this section is complete.
Initial Eligibility & Reevaluation Eligibility Initial Evaluation Reevaluation Current Eligibility- Yes/No* *If marked No, remaining questions will not be answered. Review is complete. Notice of Meeting for Eligibility- Yes/No: all required areas addressed? The purpose MUST indicate eligibility determination will be discussed. Evaluation Summary Report- Yes/No: Does the file include an evaluation summary report? Look for a complete set of data (results) on the Eligibility Report. Parental Input in Determining Eligibility- Yes/No Current Eligibility- Yes/No* *If marked No, remaining questions will not be answered. Review is complete. Most Recent Eligibility Date Previous Eligibility Date Evaluation Summary Report- Yes/No: Does the file include an evaluation summary report? Look for a complete set of data (results) on the Eligibility Report.
Eligibility Criteria and Evaluation Most common errors found on Eligibility form errors Student Eligible for Special Ed Services- Yes/No #6 summary of relevant behavior noted during observation missing # 8 input from parents missing Documentation of team’s consideration of the discrepancy report Is the student Eligible? Teams frequently forget to mark the appropriate boxes!
Student IEP IEP in Student File- Yes/No/Yes, but it is not current Date of most current IEP Date of previous IEP- if initial same date as current Notice of IEP Meeting- Yes/No IEP Team Participation- Parent/Gen. Ed Teacher/Special Ed. Teacher/LEA
Student IEP PLAAFP- does it include Baseline or current data? How the disability affects involvement/progress in the general curriculum- this is NOT embedded in the form Remember- there should be no surprises. The PLAAFP directly ties to the goals. If it is identified as a weakness in the PLAAFP, there should be a goal to address it; If there is a goal, it should be discussed in the PLAAFP
Student IEP Measureable Goal- Does the goal state the: Condition (when and how the student will perform)? Yes/No Skill or behavior (what the student will do)? Yes/No Criterion (the acceptable level of performance at the dn of the goal period)? Yes/No Progress Monitoring How will progress towards goal be monitored (another common compliance error is for this to be left blank) When will progress be reported to parents?
Student IEP Areas of specially designed instruction List of curricular and/or developmental skill area in which instruction will be provided? Yes/No Location of services? Yes/No Frequency of services? Yes/No Related Services? Yes/No/Not Applicable (another common compliance error is to leave this blank) Program Modifications/Supports for School Personnel and/or Supplementary Aids/Services? Yes/No/Not Applicable (another common compliance error is to leave this blank) To add this you must click the “+ Add Modification” button in PowerIEP Extended School Year? Yes, student requires ESY/ESY not required/ESY to be determined/Item not marked or evidence not provided by EOY
LRE/Placement Initial Placement Consent? Yes/No This is the only form that can be marked as a replacement form If the student is not of transition age, this is the end of the file review. Click the submit button at the bottom of the page.
Secondary Transition Requirements Transition plan included in student’s file? Student is at least 14 and has a transition plan Student is at least 14 and DOES not have a transition plan Not required based on age, but has transition plan Not required based on age, and does not have a transition plan Date of most current plan? Student/Adult Student invited to team meeting? Yes/No
Secondary Transition Requirements Post secondary goals updated annually? Yes/No Age appropriate transition assessments? Yes/No Measurable post-secondary* goals included for: Post-secondary training or education Employment Independent living skills None included An observable outcome that occurs AFTER the student exits high school; is NOT the process of pursuing a desired outcome
Secondary Transition Requirements Transition Services: Education/Instruction Is a type of education/instruction listed (to assist the student in meeting identified post-secondary goals)? Yes, addressed as needed Considered but not needed Not addressed, item is left blank
Secondary Transition Requirements Transition Services: Career/Employment Is a type of career/employment listed (to assist the student meeting identified post-secondary goals)? Yes, addressed as needed Considered but not needed Not addressed, item is left blank
Secondary Transition Requirements Transition Services: Community Experiences Is a type of community experience* listed (to assist the student meeting identified post-secondary goals)? Yes, addressed as needed Considered but not needed Not addressed, item is left blank Community experiences are those provided outside of the school building or in community settings.
Secondary Transition Requirements Transition Services: Post-school Adult Living Objectives Are post-school adult living objectives* listed (to assist the student meeting identified post-secondary goals)? Yes, addressed as needed Considered but not needed Not addressed, item is left blank May be services that support activities done occasionally (e.g. accessing adult services, registering to vote)
Secondary Transition Requirements Courses of Study- Yes/No Does the Transition Plan contain a course of study (courses and other educational experiences) Should be a multi-year plan, reviewed and revised annually Specifies courses and experiences that will assist the student in achieving his/her post-secondary goals May state “classes leading to a high school diploma”, but MUST also include classes and experiences that will facilitate the student’s movement towards his/her post-secondary goals. May be found in the Transition Plan, an attached CCR Plan, or an attached Graduation tracking sheet showing future courses.
Secondary Transition Requirements Date Student Turns Age 17 This date is prepopulated based on what was entered for the student’s birthdate in the demographics section. Use this date to compare against the date included on the students transition form or Age of Majority form (if included). Student Informed of Transfer of Rights At least one year before the student turned 18, was the student informed that rights under Part B will transfer when he/she reaches 18? May be on a separate Age of Majority form. Yes No, done after 17th birthday No documentation in file NA, student is less than 17 years of age
Completing the Record Review After completing the LRE/Placement section (for students under age 14) or the Secondary Transition Requirements section (for students 14 and older), you will click the submit button found at the bottom of the form. Occasionally, there may be an error that prevents you from submitting. The system will inform you where the error is located so you can fix it and submit. Helpful Tip When a compliance error is found, if there is an option to enter comments, enter information that will be helpful to the file keeper when making the correction. For example, “the box for eligibility was not checked” or “the information from the observation was not included on the eligibility form (blank).
Helpful Resources Common Compliance Errors and How to Correct Them A Closer Look- March 2016 version UPIPS Complete File Review Guide 2013-2014 (includes the questions as well as compliance criteria/notes; 39 pages) Compliance Tips for Indicator 13 (Transition Planning) Instructions for Completing the Individualized Transition Plan Progress Labels for IEP Goals
Let the File Reviewing Begin!! Most importantly, remember to Keep Calm and . . . .