BPAS – an update of TOP Services in Berkshire Julie Jones, BPAS Development Manager
BPAS About BPAS Statistics and data TOP Tender BPAS services in Berkshire The BPAS Berkshire Units MVA Treatment BPAS client statistics Questions
About BPAS Not-for-profit organisation formed in 1968 Specialist abortion provider and associated reproductive health services Over 53,000 + cases a year 97% under arrangements with the NHS Responsible for over 46% of existing NHS agency provision Specialist late abortion provider; 4/5 of all over 19 weeks gestation Expert provision of locality based EMA services Over 60 locations across the UK – in a variety of settings Registered with Care Quality Commission/Health Inspectorate Wales and licensed by DH
12,826 residents of Scotland (2010) Abortion Statistics 1 in 3 British women will have an abortion before the age of 45 1 in 3 pregnancies end in abortion Abortions in 2013 12,826 residents of Scotland (2010) 185,331 residents of England and Wales (0.1% more than in 2012 and 2.1% more than in 2003). The age standardised abortion rate was 15.9 per 1000 resident women aged 15-44. This was 0.8% lower than in 2012 and 4.7% lower than in 2003: the lowest rate for 16 years. 5,469 non-residents (majority Northern Ireland and Irish Republic) This total is the lowest in any year since 1969
Abortions in England and Wales
Statistics in 2013 91% of abortions carried out below 13 weeks 79% below 10 weeks compared to 77% in 2012 and 58% in2003 190 abortions over 24 weeks (less than 0.1%) The under 16 abortion rate was 2.6 per 1,000 population compared with 3.0 in 2012 and 3.9 in 2003.
BPAS clients Less than 1% under age 15 Clients aged 19yrs and under: 2009 – just under 1200 clients 2012 – just under 9500 clients 2014 – 6285 clients 51% had previous live delivery or stillbirth 36% had previous abortion, in 1996 it was 28% 98% of women are funded by the NHS Across all ethnic groups
Methods of abortion by gestational age EMA up to 10 weeks gestation Medical Induction between 9 and 24 weeks gestation Vacuum Aspiration awake up to 13 weeks gestation Vacuum Aspiration awake with sedation up to 14 weeks gestation Vacuum Aspiration asleep up to 15 weeks gestation Dilation and Evacuation between 15 and 24 weeks gestation
Methods of abortion by gestational age 12 Dilatation and Evacuation Electric Vacuum Aspiration Manual Vacuum Aspiration Mifepristone/Misoprostol 7 15 24 weeks
TOP Tender The new tender was awarded to BPAS to provide services to the following CCGs: Aylesbury Chiltern Milton Keynes Oxford Newbury and District North and West Reading South Reading Wokingham Slough Bracknell and Ascot Windsor, Ascot and Maidenhead
TOP Services We already provide services in Bucks, MK and Oxford – the new contract/service started here 1st April 2015. We are increasing provision in Aylesbury to offer an EMA service. We are opening two new units in Berkshire to provide the new service from July 1st 2015.
BPAS Slough bpas Slough W: www.bpas.org 9-10 Shaftesbury Court, Chalvey Park or Slough SL1 2ER T: 03457 30 40 30
BPAS Reading 121 London Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4QA or bpas Reading W: www.bpas.org 121 London Street, Reading, Berkshire, RG1 4QA or T: 03457 30 40 30
Opening Hours and Treatments Opening Hours: Treatments: BPAS Reading Consultations, EMA,MVA Tuesday 09.00 – 17.00 Wednesday 11.00 – 19.00 Thursday (MVA) 08.00 – 15.30 Friday 09.00 – 17.00 Saturday 09.00 – 13.00 BPAS Slough Consultations, EMA, MVA Monday 11.00 – 19.00 Tuesday (MVA) 08.00 – 15.30 Wednesday 09.00 – 17.00 Thursday 11.00 – 19.00
MVA Treatment – will be offered at BPAS Reading and Slough Very safe gentle suction procedure to remove the pregnancy Procedure takes 5-10min from start to finish Clients may eat and drink as normal before treatment (light plain meal) Local anaesthetic cervical block, additional pain relief will be discussed No bleeding, all products are removed Clients need to rest for 30-45min before going home Clients are only at the unit for a maximum of 2 hours, can drive themselves home, or return to work Many clients choose to have a coil fitting at time of procedure
The Client Pathway at BPAS Consultation including pregnancy options discussion Medical Assessment: Ultrasound scan Consent – potential risks and complications Blood testing – finger-prick test to test for rhesus-negative blood STI Testing Contraception Treatment booking Follow-up appointment Aftercare Helpline
BPAS Berkshire clients Berkshire clients are offered: A full range of contraception options Chlamydia screening for all clients Chlamydia screening for partners of clients Gonorrhea testing for all clients Additional unplanned pregnancy counselling – in person or by telephone Post abortion counselling – in person or by telephone BPAS Reading and Slough will work toward the ‘You’re Welcome’ standard – Dept. of Health’s quality criteria for young people friendly services
Thank you Any Questions?