Questions for Discussion 1. What resources could the liberation theology movement and the Muslim Brotherhood draw on to challenge autocratic governments? 2. While the Muslim Brotherhood and liberation theology have been present for many decades (and in many countries), only at certain times (2011 Egypt, 1970s and 80s Central America) have they managed to topple existing orders and play a decisive role in politics. What are the conditions that allowed religious movements to play a decisive role at those times? 3. How would the theory presented in Chap. 4 of God’s Century apply to the Muslim Brotherhood and the liberation theology movement? Would the authors of God’s Century expect them to promote or oppose democratization? Did that expectation prove accurate? 4. a. The Trump administration is considering listing the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Would this be a good idea? Would it promote or inhibit democratization? b. Steve Bannon is a vocal critic of Pope Francis and a supporter of more traditionalist elements in the Catholic Church. Would reversing the Pope’s current course promote or undermine democracy?
Quiz A. God’s Century Which religious group has played the largest role in supporting the wave of democratization from 1974 to 1991? 2. Religious actors who enjoy significant independence from the state and from dominant centers of political power: Are likely to be irrelevant to democratization efforts. Are more likely to support democratization. Are more likely to oppose democratization. Are likely to become atheists. Quiz B: Muslim Brotherhood 1. The Brotherhood’s slogan is “Islam is the….. 2. The Brotherhood was founded: In the 7th Century. In the 1920s In the 1970s. In the 2000s