Worship Culture? Your name is like honey on my lips... Hold me close, let your love surround me... you are beautiful... Heaven meet earth like a sloppy wet kiss and my heart beats violently inside my chest...
men and worship Loud objective truth pitch of songs dancing at the front no enforced action songs do not expect demonstrative emotions
Prayer ministry, appeals and prophetic language?
CVM Ban list addition Breaking into small groups to “share” stroking space invasion
The Place of Work?
1 Thessalonians 4
2 Samuel 23:8
“I believe that one of the next great movements of God is going to be through believers in the workplace” Billy Graham
Archbishop William Temple, 1944 “We are convinced that England will never be converted until the laity use their daily opportunities afforded them in their various crafts and workshops” Archbishop William Temple, 1944
World Council of Churches “The real battles of faith today are being fought in factories , shops, offices & farms, in political parties and government agencies, in countless homes, in press, radio & television in the relationship of nations. Very often it is said the Church should go into those spheres but the fact is that the Church is already there in the person of the laity.” World Council of Churches
What Do We Believe About Work? Who do we pray for? Preaching content Ordination? Testimony Pastoral visiting to work places Church schedule and expectations.
Gearing Up! A male church is unisex! Seminars not sermons Dialogue not monologue Whole of life worship Risk and challenge BIG VISION! “Movement” evangelism Objective worship Brotherhood
And There's More … Issue based teaching? Sabbaticals? Hyderabad v. Harlow Work place visits.. (the ford experience)
How about a scrum down?
Actions 2 year process worship list cull evolution with moments of revolution stay balanced don't make laws keep mission the focus