October 31st All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1st) HALLOWEEN October 31st All Saints’ Day (Nov. 1st)
THE FEATURES ON HALLOWEEN Would you like to go trick or treating? costume pumpkin squash spooky scary haunted house Jack-O’- Lantern bobbing for apples
Trick or treat Smell my feet Give me something good to eat Not too big Not too small Just the size of “ ym school “
Trick or treat, smell my feet, Give me something good to eat. Ghosts, and witches, goblins too are waiting in the dark for you. Monsters big, vampires mean, all show up on Halloween. Walk around and trick or treat, scaring people on the street. (See the jack-o –lantern’s light, you are a funny ghost tonight.) Boom… Ding-dong, Ding-dong Trick or treat.
Treat or TRICK You are SICK Hit your FACE with a BIG BRICK You want to LEAVE You need to GIVE OR I WILL SMASH YOUR FACE IN SO GIVE ME CANDY NOW Please!
美國最著名的女巫城SALEM : WITCH TOWN Salem history American novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne was born on July 4th, 1804, at the peak of Salem's prosperity.
Trick or treat JACK OF LANTERN STORY 萬聖節放置家門口 1840, 源自於愛爾蘭 由南瓜取代 移民至美洲大陸 1840, 由南瓜取代 源自於愛爾蘭 傑克(Stingy Jack) 愛喝酒 馬鈴薯或大頭菜做成燈 籠 Trick or treat
THEY ARE DIFFERENT. squash pumpkin squash