Presented to you by gen-fit Shoulder Neck Workout 2 Presented to you by gen-fit This workout focuses on reliefing paun with activation and stretching exercises. The stretching is going to soften the muscles that are too strong. In case you are not able to perform certain exercises, stop the workout and focus on reliefing pain. The best methods for reliefing pain are Ice Massages and the `RICE´method.
Shoulder Shrugs/Shoulder Lowerings This exercise activtes the shoulders. It isolates the shoulder from the other muscles that usually work together. This movement is great in reliefing pressure. Persoanlly, I enjoy doing this exercise on only one shoulder at a time. However, it is up to you fi you do it with one or with both. Perform this exercise twice for 60 seconds. Rest in between for up to 30 seconds. If you want to learn more about this exercise, check out the book `Body-Balance´
90/90/90 exercise This exercise activates all the muscles of the neck and right below the neck. This activation reliefs the pressure. Perfrom this exercise twice for 30 seconds. Rest up to 20 seconds. If you want to learn more about this exercise, check out the book `Body-Balance´
Shoulder Openings This exercise improves mobility of the shoulder joint and stretches the chest. Perform this exercise twice each side for seconds. Rest in between for up to 20 seconds. If you want to learn more about this exercise, check out the book `Body-Balance
Bird/Dog Activation Stretch This execise activates the muscles around the spine. It also stretches the core muscles. Perform this exercise twice each side for 30 seconds. Rest in between for up to 20 seconds. If you want to learn more about this exercise, check out the book `Body-Balance´
Chest Stretch This exercise stretches the chest muscle. The chest is usually stronger than the upper back. The upper back cannot bear the weight of a much stronger chest.Therefore, we want to loosen the chest up. Perform this exercise twice each arm. Rest up to 20 seconds in between. If you want to learn more about this exercise, check out the book `Body-Balance´
Triceps Stretch This exercise stretches the triceps which is attached to the shoulder. This will relief pressure from the shoulder. Perfrom this exercise 30 to 45 seconds each arm. Rest in between for up to 20 seconds. If you want to learn more about this exercise, check out the book `Body-Balance´
Posterior Shoulder Stretch This exercise directly stretches the part of the tissue that is attached to the back side of the shoulder. It also reliefs pressure from the shoulder joint. Perform this exercise twice each arm for 30 to 45 seconds. Rest in between for up to 20 seconds. If you want to learn more about this exercise, check out the book `Body-Balance´
Neck Stretch This exercise stretches the tissue that goes throm the neck up to the ear. It reliefs pressure from the neck and can help curing a headache. Perform this exercise twice each side 30 to 45 seconds. Rest in between for up to 20 seconds. If you want to learn more about this exercise, check out the book `Body-Balance´