FRESHMEN PRESENTATION ALPHA COUNSELORS Ms. Yun, A-E Ms. Dillon, F-LON Ms. Webb, LOO-RN Mr. Young, RO-Z Mr. Elizondo, College/Career Counselor Ms. Lozano, Intervention Counselor
HOW CAN WE HELP YOUR STUDENT? Counseling Appts & Drop-ins (during break/lunch) Graduation Credit and College Eligibility Checks Spring Scheduling and Course Recommendations Four Year Plans Help Facilitate Conferences with Teachers Personal Issues – Confidentiality Classroom Presentations Every Year With a Different Focus Young
SCHOOL RESOURCES Counseling Office College and Career Center Student Success Team EL Support Special Education Health/Attendance/Dean Support Groups Young
NAVIANCE FOR FRESHMEN College and career readiness platform that enables self-discovery, career exploration, academic planning, and college preparation for students. 8th Grade: Strengths Explorer 9th Grade Overall goal: Build a foundation for college and career exploration. Fall: Explore strengths and how they relate to careers. Explore career clusters that interest students. Yun
COUNSELING FOCUS BY GRADE LEVEL Freshmen Year: How to Survive High School Planning Ahead/Four Year Plans Understanding Graduation and A-G Requirements Sophomore Year: How Grades Are Calculated for College Admissions Practicing for College Entrance Exams - PSAT and/or PreAct Exploring Interests and Career Paths Yun
COUNSELING FOCUS BY GRADE LEVEL Junior Year Post-secondary Planning and Preparation Preparation for College Entrance Exam(s) Preparing for College Applications Compare and Contrast Colleges Introduction to Scholarship Searches Senior Year College Applications, Secondary School Reports & Letters of Recommendations Financial Aid & Local Scholarship Program How to Select a Major El Camino Matriculation Yun
FRESHMEN YEAR TIPS & SUGGESTIONS Freshman year counts! Important to maintain C’s or better at minimum to avoid repeating classes. Not easy to catch up. Remember that teachers are here to help. Get involved in extracurricular activities – clubs, sports, volunteer, etc. Ask for help. Learn to advocate for yourself. Maintain a balance between academics and extracurricular activities. Participate in class and make up missed work. Take classes that challenge you, not just because friends are taking them. Surround yourself with students that have similar goals. Webb
HOW TO STAY INFORMED Teacher Emails Student/Parent Connect Naviance Weekly Progress Reports Webb
STUDY SKILLS TIPS FOR PARENTS Use of flash cards, timer and timing. Monitor access to electronic devices during sleep time. Faculty tutoring by our teachers will start on 10/31. Insure your student is using a planner. Stay interested and involved in your student’s education. Dillon
STAY CONNECTED THS Website – Graduation/College Eligibility Requirements Important Dates Helpful Links Student Connect/Naviance/Etusd Access Faculty Tutoring Schedule “Torrance High School Counselors” Facebook Page Reminder and Announcements Dillon
THS TUTORIAL RTI stands for Response to Intervention. It is a three tier model that supports student learning no matter what their current level of attainability is. The first tier is instructional-based within all classrooms. Students who need that extra support can move into the second tier. At THS, we support our tier 2 students through our tutorial period; here, students are identified by their core subject area teachers and pushed into two 20 minute tutorial periods during the school day to work on the specific skill that can benefit their overall achievement in a unit. They receive tutorial instructions from a different teacher who might have a different teaching modality or differing strategies. Tier three is the most intensive type of intervention. It is more individualized for students who need 1:1 or smaller group support. Lozano
THS TUTORIAL We have distinguished ourselves as the only high school in Torrance Unified School District to have a tutorial period. During this period students may receive Math and/or English support, as needed. All students will take part in character building and common skills. Each department collaborates and creates common formative assessments that meet the state standards. Students are selected for Math and/or English tutorial through common formative assessments. Lozano
Math/English Tutorial THS TUTORIAL MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Character Building/ Common Skills (rotates every month) Late Start (no tutorial) Math Tutorial Math/English Tutorial English Tutorial Teachers enrich student education by providing lessons that touch upon building character or common skills such as grammar, citing methods, etc. Teachers collaborate to review data and create future common assessments. Identified students receive Math reinstructions. All other students have sustained silent reading. Identified students receive Math and/or English reinstruction. All other students have silent sustained reading. Identified students receive English reinstructions. All other students have silent sustained reading. Lozano
THANK YOU! ALPHA COUNSELORS Ms. Yun, A-E Ms. Dillon, F-LON Ms. Webb, LOO-RN Mr. Young, RO-Z Mr. Elizondo, College/Career Counselor Ms. Lozano, Intervention Counselor