Welcome to Back To School Night! This is Geometry with Ms. Fanelli and Ms. Halcrow
Why do we teach geometry? Building from the bottom up Explain your reasoning Use logical arguments
Expectations Materials: Three ring binder (two sections) Calculator – Has already been issued to most students. (Calculator Letter?) Vocab Cards Textbook – kept at home
Homework Essential to understanding Almost nightly basis Assignments are posted on the school website http://www.hicksvillepublicschools.org/
Vocabulary Cards Index cards, in notebook, with vocab words for the year. Should always be in notebook. Should study regularly
Grades Tests/Quizzes Homework At least 3 tests a quarter Also includes projects Frequent quizzes Homework Can always be made up for half credit
Class Participation Interim Assessment Attendance Attentiveness Preparedness Notebook Interim Assessment 1st, 2nd, 3rd quarter only
Grade Break Down Quarters 1, 2, and 3 Tests/Quizzes – 67.5% Homework – 13.5% Participation – 9% Interim Assessment – 10% Quarter 4 Tests/Quizzes –75% Homework – 15% Participation – 10%
Regents Exam Required for course, not graduation Taken in June Regents Review Courses
What will I do? Call you with concerns Grade and return tests promptly Update grades weekly (when possible) Update website as often as possible Provide Extra Help Tuesdays after school with Ms. Halcrow Room 144 Thursdays after school with Ms. Fanelli Room 230 When asked (if possible)
What can you do? Keep in contact if you have concerns. Check parent connect Ask about homework. Encourage students to come to extra help. Go over vocab cards. Regentsprep.org Math Learning Center, Peer Tutoring
What’s happening now? Baseline test Algebra Review Assignment Logic Test Logic Lyrics Project
Have a great night and a great year! Thank You For Coming Have a great night and a great year!