London Care and Support Forum 4th December2014 The National Skills Academy for Social Care Leadership, Registered Managers and the Skills Academy Terri Myers National Skills Academy for Social Care London Care and Support Forum 4th December2014
Skills for Care..... As many of you will know the NSA and Skills for Care merged in June. There is masses of information on the SfC website, including information about the new CQC inspection guidelines: and the Care Act Act.aspx
What is Leadership? ‘Leadership is entirely different . It is associated with taking an organisation into the future, finding opportunities that are coming at it faster and faster and successfully exploiting those opportunities. Leadership is about vision, about people buying in, about empowerment and, most of all about producing successful change. Leadership is not about attributes, it’s about behaviour. And in an ever-faster-moving world, leadership is increasingly needed from more and more people, no matter where they are in a hierarchy. The notion that a few extraordinary people at the top can provide all the leadership needed today is ridiculous and it’s a recipe for failure.’ Dr John P Kotter- Konosuke Matsushita Professor of Leadership, Emeritus at Havard Business School and Chief of Innovation at Kotter International
Introduction: the role of the Skills Academy around leadership “The sector needs high-quality leadership at all levels...[it] is essential to the delivery of all the proposals in this White Paper.” Caring for our future: reforming care and support, July 2012 “[Social Care] lacks confidence. As a result it is timid in its vision and ambition for how adult social care services can be delivered.” Social Care: A Review. Dame Denise Platt, 2007 “There is a unique culture within social care....Social care is often positioned ‘in the shadows’. This is disempowering [and] has the effect of reducing confidence and stifling innovation.” Feedback from Skills Academy consultation on Leadership Strategy for Adult Social Care, 2012
The role of the Skills Academy: Leading on leadership in social care Specific remit to improve leadership and commissioning, and to support Registered Managers Employer-led: but as well as employers we also reach training providers, local authorities and other commissioners, alongside individuals Covering adult social care but also working with health and children’s services Membership body for individuals and organisations One of the largest membership bodies in the sector Leadership guidance and programmes for all levels Endorsement for high quality training providers Backed by Department of Health
Leadership: What we think it is Not just about authority at the top of organisations It’s a practical understanding – and awareness – about how you do what you do, and the impact on others So it’s about behaviours, and taking responsibility for them And it’s everyone’s business – people working at all levels in social care “People do not experience our values, they experience our behaviours.” Bill Mumford, CEO, MacIntyre
The Leadership Qualities Framework Guide to what good leadership looks like Describes what good leadership looks like in different settings and situations Defines good leadership for people at different levels: Front-line Staff Front-line Leaders Operational Leaders Strategic Leaders Basis in values and behaviours that follow on from them Grounded in everyday practice and written in plain English, so accessible to everyone Applicable in integrated services
The Leadership Qualities Framework: how it works Based on structure of NHS Leadership Framework Groups behaviours into seven areas, called Dimensions Five Dimensions relate to areas in which all social care professionals need to demonstrate leadership Two apply specifically to senior staff Each Dimension has four elements The LQF takes each element and gives a short description of what quality leadership looks like at different levels
The Leadership Qualities Framework: how it can help in driving quality Essential tool for small, medium and large employers to measure and strengthen leadership capacity Also for micro-providers, user-led organisations, and service users who commission services For commissioners and regulators to use as a guide/quality indicator Use for recruitment, performance management, appraisal and CPD Mapped to CQC Essential Standards Online self-assessments for benchmarking: 360° feedback: organisational assessment
The background - a support programme for Registered Managers National survey Facilitated by Care Quality Commission, sent to all Registered Managers in England c. 1200 responses – about 10% of total Context: Registered Managers as lead professionals in care homes and home care Context: leadership role of Registered Managers, and importance of leadership generally, acknowledged in White Paper Caring for our future Context: growing recognition of, and concerns around, increasing complexity and frequent isolation
Key findings from Everyday Excellence: Need for networks, recognition, support
Outcome: Support Programme for Registered Managers The programme launched March 2013 Aims to reduce isolation, better-equip Registered Managers for their role, strengthen leadership confidence Expert online and phone advice on HR, legal and professional issues Online information and resources Membership group/community of practice within the Skills Academy Funding for local networks, workshops and action learning sets ‘Bottom-up’ approach – working with local groups, employers and care associations
New Handbook for Registered Manager Members Hardback copy now only offered to Registered Manager Members. Designed to be the ‘go to’ guide for managers. Covers: Social Care Values, Personalised Care, Quality Information, Resources, Teams and Partners, Buildings, Health and Wellbeing Safeguarding and Regulation and Inspection Sign up on the RM section of our website and get a hardback as part of your member benefits:
Membership for Registered Managers The Registered Managers’ Programme is intended to further equip Registered Managers to meet the challenges you face on a daily basis. The main aims of the programme are to: Help reduce isolation Better-equip Registered Managers for their role Strengthen leadership confidence.
Sign up and you will receive free access to: Expert online and phone advice on HR, legal and professional issues Online information and resources A membership group/community of practice within the Skills Academy (over 60 networks exist at present) Funding for local networks, workshops and action learning sets A hard back copy of The Social Care Manager’s Handbook Our mentoring scheme: a highly valuable learning opportunity providing 1-1 confidential support from a trained volunteer mentor. Membership costs just £35 per year with the option of discounts (buy nine and get your tenth free) for organisations who choose to sign-up multiple managers. For more information Website: Email
New Mentoring Scheme for Registered Manager Members Free, highly valuable learning opportunity for RM members 1-1 confidential support from a trained volunteer mentor Chance to get a fresh perspective and insight in a neutral setting Good for your CV and CPD Sign up on the RM section of our website: 16
Are you interested in setting up a network? If so there is up to £1500 available. For further details, including an details of how to apply go here: managers-local-networks
Leadership Development Programmes for people at all levels Graduate Scheme Front-Line Leaders Lead to Succeed/Inspiring Leaders Emerging Leaders BAME Leaders Programme Commissioning Now New Directors of Adult Social Services/ Extended Services Top Leaders Building Community Capacity
What you can do to strengthen leadership: Come together in a new social care landscape Practice leadership - networks and forums of support, e.g. for Registered Managers Collaborative leadership - links with commissioners – health, social care, individual Community leadership - links with and for community groups and micro-employers: focus on assets and social capital
Employer engagement and celebrating leadership in social care Membership events Employer engagement events Employer engagement: competitions and awards Employer engagement: e-bulletins Employer engagement: promotion and media/social media coverage Employer engagement: direct meetings Employer engagement: Endorsement
What leaders can do to make social care excellent: recognise and celebrate: stand up for the contribution of social care Social care as key driver of local economies Social care as growth sector Social care as local employer Social care as community hub/link Social care as source of innovation Social care as source of good news stories for local media/MPs/ Councils/Health and Wellbeing Boards Social care staff as people to be celebrated
Summary: You can make leadership part of what you do every day Leadership is about behaviours: taking responsibility for your own practice and addressing poor practice elsewhere It follows that leadership can support great service quality, embedding it as everyone’s business You can use the Leadership Qualities Framework and Leadership Starts with Me to instil and embed leadership behaviours which actively promote quality There are lots of other free online tools and techniques to help you There are resources for Registered Managers as part of the new support programme You can embody what good leadership behaviours look like right here, right now You can instil a high quality culture through celebrating great social care
Everyone has a part to play: Leadership starts with all of us. Because everyone can do something about changing what they do and how they do it. So everyone can be a leader to some degree. Everyone can have a go, and everyone can make a difference. And everyone can be a force for change and a force for good.
terri.myers Finally... Thank you terri.myers 0203 011 5272