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Punjab on the Edge of Water Disaster www.mineralwaterprojectinformation.org
Water Crisis in Punjab Image Courtesy: NASA Punjab the land of five rivers is facing serious crisis of water as the groundwater is depleting at a higher level and available water bodies are also highly contaminated. www.mineralwaterprojectinformation.org
Image Courtesy: http://www.tribuneindia.com As per the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB), Out of 138 blocks in the state 103 are over exploited, 5 more are critical and 4 are semi critical. According to the special survey conducted by CGWB, Stage of groundwater development is 145% as depletion of groundwater is more than the annual recharging. It is also found that, the groundwater also has quality problems in most of the districts. www.mineralwaterprojectinformation.org
As per the latest reports of Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB), Under the National Water Quality Monitoring Programme all the Rivers especially Satluj and Ghaggar, from 38 monitoring points on its rivers, were found polluted. The groundwater had been already exploited and Irrigation mostly dependent on river water through canals. But, most of the part of its river waters are flowing though Rajasthan and Haryana due to which dependency on the groundwater is increased. The water quality of the rivers also turned out to be poor as it carries the industrial and sewage. State and Union governments have built sewerage treatment plants but even those are not running properly. (Read Original Blog Post: http://mineralwaterprojectinformation.org/article/punjab-on-the-edge-of-water-disaster/ ) www.mineralwaterprojectinformation.org
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