Math Enrichment: Carleton experience
Carleton Math Enrichment Centre First class held in 2006, attendance: 1 high school teacher Academic year 2016/17: 12 weekly courses and programs 500 students Math Enrichment Centre is supported in part with an Endowment Grant from the Canadian Mathematical Society
… one of our classes
Our courses and programs: Math Kangaroo Adventures (3-4, 5-6) MathLink (9-10) Foundations of Calculus (10-12) Introduction to Algebra (7-8) Algebra and Trigonometry (11-12) Fundamentals of Geometry I (7-8) JAVA Programming (10-12) and II (8-9) Competitve Math I (9) and II (9-12) Math Connections in Arts and Science (8-10) MATHEMA I (9) and II (10)
Math Kangaroo Adventures (3-4, 5-6) Offered in partnership with the Canadian Math Kangaroo Contest 3 classes at each level 3-4 and 5-6, with two undergraduate instructors per class Topics covered: Numbers, Patterns, Geometry, Math games and puzzles
Introduction to Algebra (7-8) Basic Algebra Equations Inequalities Systems of equations
Foundations of Geometry I and II (7-8, 8-9) Euclidean Geometry Introduction to Trigonometry Parallel lines, Isosceles tringle, Parallelograms, Metric relations 3D Geometry Circle Logic and Reasoning Constructions with Ruler and Compass
Competitive Math I and II (9-12) Training for Math Contests
MATHEMA I and II (9, 10) Runs on Saturdays with 3-hour classes Three components: Algebra Physics Computer Science
MathLink (9-10) Patterns Graph theory Induction Surfaces, maps on surfaces Newton’s binomial Regular polyhedra formula Vector geometry Probability Calculus Error-correcting codes
Foundations of Calculus (10-12) Algebra and Trigonometry (11-12) JAVA Programming at a Glance (10-12) Math Connections is Arts and Science (8-10)
Registration for September 2017 is now open!