HMA Follow On Activities Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service (Sensor Planning Service) Monthly Progress Meeting 27 April 2010 Reuben Wright, Deimos Space
Schedule Deliverables Actions Work in Progress SPS 2.0 SPS Extension for EO SFRE Requirements SFRE Documentation SFRE Development
Schedule 1/2
Schedule 2/2
Proposal Information: List of Documentation Deliverables
Proposal Information: List of Software Deliverables
Open actions from PR 02/02/10, and teleconference on 23/03/2010 Where possible updates to match the OGC specification model will be attempted before March TC. In particular to ensure we have appropriate Abstract Test Suites and some high level view. List of reqs from HMA Scenario document to be considered for the high level requirements summary. Cross-specification discussion with OWS Common group about if/how the Notifications information could be moved to OWS Common once it has been used in SPS. AR to raise as OWS change req. EO specific use cases and scenarios (including notification) should be included in one of the Task 2 deliverables. Old use cases and interaction diagrams from HMA-I Scenario TN can be redrawn. Spotimage/Deimos should review the old HMA-I Scenario TN, extract the old scenarios and use cases, validate them with the new evolution (e.g. reserve, confirm) since and update these scenarios and use cases. Should be included in one of the Task 2 deliverables. AR to review draft. At end of May send across to Daniele M (Task 4) for review (along with EO extn for SPS). Action to organise a joint teleconf (programming/ordering) with MDA to better understand the tasking scenario where delivery options should be passed at tasking time without a separate ordering service. AR will document in sps extn Add possibility of submitting individual pseudo scenes for tasking in EO SPS 2.0. Merge with Submit by feasibility ID capability. optional Operation to be added Send draft SPS EO document by April, 15th for last tasking parameter review during the HMA Architecture Board Delayed to mid May. Deimos to ask ESA to chase OAB for their comments by May 10 Plan for releasing SPS EO RFC after June TC Go for vote of SWE Common Data Model, SWE Service Model and SPS 2.0 in June. Use clean URNs for SPS EO tasking parameters with authority = OGC and sub namespace = eop/opt/sar
Status: released as an RFC Work in Progress: SPS 2.0 Status: released as an RFC Comments have been received and are being discussed by the Working Group Plan to have final decisions on the received comments at next TC meeting (14-18 June)
Work in Progress: SPS Extension for EO Status Drafted throughout Updates to use EO GML (v 3.2.1) Requests are unchanged Will update Library to handle the differences for responses, no large changes at Java level Extension has added a slot for returning the list of segments Specification Model and ATS updates Document to be added to OGC Pending area before last week of May Ready for discussion/RFC at next OGC TC (14-18 June)
Work in Progress: SPS Extension for EO EO GML 3.2.1 Dependency on EO GML 3.2.1 has been introduced Seems to be a stable standard, but not published yet Check: Schemas to use are the “Reverse engineered” from re-created model? Handled by Task 1 and 3 ? Reviews of EO Parameters Action 67 is about completing last tasking parameter review by the HMA Architecture Board Could ESA chase the members for their comments by May 10? Deimos will manage review feedback from Astrium also
Work in Progress: SPS Extension for EO EO specific use cases and scenarios in Task 2 deliverables Action 36: “EO specific use cases and scenarios (including notification) should be included in one of the Task 2 deliverables. Old use cases and interaction diagrams from HMA-I Scenario TN can be redrawn. Spotimage/Deimos should review the old HMA-I Scenario TN, extract the old scenarios and use cases, validate them with the new evolution (e.g. reserve, confirm) since and update these scenarios and use cases.” Deimos and Spot working on updating the TN with use cases EO Extn for SPS will include details on what is included in Describe Tasking to support scenarios: access via direct URL (as MDA requested) Use of Ordering system, with way of passing information across tied to Task IDs Will send both TN and EO SPS over to Daniele (Task 4) end of May
Work in Progress: SFRE Requirements Requirements Baseline Documents Version 1.1 Software System Specification (SSS) and Software Requirements Specification (SRS) have been completed Closed all RIDs from PR Submitted on 8 April for approval (and PR closeout) Uploaded to HMA Wiki 23 April Requirements Traceability Being used in Design documentation and Test Planning
Work in Progress: SFRE Documentation Software Design Document (SDD) Drafting an integrated document for both SF Client and SF Server ECSS 40C will be followed Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) Proposal to use Deimos standard template for Acceptance Testing, as used in HMA-T (and many other ESA projects) ECSS 40C does not give detailed guidance (beyond mention in Table A1) ECSS-Q-ST-80C (Software product assurance) doesn't give these details either Not anticipating a Software verification plan (SVerP) or Software validation plan (SValP) for this project. NB there is a certain amount of interface test information in the Abstract Test Suites
Work in Progress: SFRE Development Development progress SF Client work started - progress being made on supporting the v2.0 operations SF Server work continues – generates a valid response for all operations except DescribeSensor. Working on planning simulation Development process Multiple release strategy has been adopted Targetting a internal release 2 (the first release with any UI) for 28/05. These versions of Client and Server will be tested for interoperability Open Source SPS Library updates from Deimos. Reviewed at Spot