Giving into Gods Kingdom


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Presentation transcript:

Giving into Gods Kingdom

2 Cor. 9: 6 – 8.( NAS) ‘Now this I say , he who sows sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he who sows bountifully shall also reap bountifully. Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.

7 Areas of Giving 1) Our Time 2) Our Possessions 3) Our Finances 4) Our Natural Abilities/Giftings 5) Our Spiritual Abilities/Giftings 6) Our Message 7) Our Selves

OUR TIME 24hrs. In our day 1440mns. 86,400 secs. On average a working person spends 8hrs. Sleep/rest, 8hrs. Work, 8hrs. Leisure 1.5hrs. Eating/drinking 0.5hrs. Bodycare/Relief 6hrs. Recreation- Shopping, DIY, Pastimes

OUR POSSESSIONS All that we have in our lives, God has given to us, allowed us to have! At ANY moment in time (which is given by God) He could take all and ANYTHING from us! Jesus said “As freely as you have received, freely give”. (Matt.10:8) Acts 2: 44-47.

OUR FINANCES Has money got ‘power’ over people? No! It’s the ‘Love of it’. (Many have departed from the Faith through the ‘love of it’. (1 Tim.6-10) Giving (cheerfully!) Proves you’ve conquered greed. Giving takes the ‘focus’ off us and onto something else. Prov.11:24 says…..

Our Natural Gifts and Abilities No human being is bereft of natural gifts. We are all created in the image of God, therefore we are ALL little ‘creators’ God assigns and directs each according to his own abilities (Matt.25:15) Is music your forte, working with kids, crunching numbers, painting, design, the list is endless. What are you willing to Give into Gods Kingdom.

Our Spiritual Giftings They are given ‘as God Wills,’ You can’t earn them or work them up in your spirit! There is only 1 gift that is for personal edification, that is ‘tongues’ (1 Cor.14:4) All others are for the edification of the church and for signs to the ‘lost’. The Question is are you an ‘open channel’ willing to ‘Give into Gods Kingdom?’ or Is your channel ‘blocked up’ through perhaps ‘fear’, ‘low self esteem,’ or just plain ‘doubt and unbelief’.

Our Message Is a Glorious Message of Hope. 1 Peter 3:15 says.. Sanctify Christ in your hearts as Lord, always being ready to give an account of the Hope that is within you…… Are you free to give this message of ‘hope’ or are you bound with ‘fear of man’

Our Selves Wholehearted Giving into Gods Kingdom comes when we Give Ourselves Body, Soul and Spirit Jesus said “Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over…. What will WE Give back to God and his Kingdom?

Our Lives are not our own! We have been bought with a price. At huge cost to the God. We have been given Time, Possessions, Finances, Natural and Spiritual Gifts, A Message of Hope and a Life to use in His Service.