6th Grade ELA Pre AP 8th Grade Power Reading Mrs. Sanner First day information 6th Grade ELA Pre AP 8th Grade Power Reading Mrs. Sanner
Welcome to Mrs. Sanner’s 6th Grade Pre-AP/GT ELA Class! We are going to have a great year!! This is my 11th year teaching, and I am excited to begin the school year! I was born and raised in Plano, Tx. We moved to Houston 9 years ago. I graduated from University of Texas at Dallas with a Bachelor’s degree in education. I have taught high school, middle school, and elementary school. This is my second year at Doerre!
Reader/Writer Workshop We will be working in Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop which means we will be doing a lot of reading and writing. We will explore all of the different genres throughout the year. We will share, discuss, and write about what we are reading! We will increase our vocabulary, our reading fluency, our metacognition, and our writing skills by continuing to grow as readers and writers!
Classroom expectations Be… Respectful Responsible Prepared Always try your best I value honesty and expect it at all times.
How we are Respectful Watch what you say and how you say it. NO PUTDOWNS! Be kind and courteous to everyone- this includes all adults and all students. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Be respectful to everyone---including yourself!
How we are Responsible Keep up with all class work, even if you are absent. Maintain passing grades. Failing grades are unacceptable. Bring all needed supplies to class everyday. Listen attentively Follow all policies found in the student handbook.
How we are Prepared Bring your binder (complete with paper) everyday. Bring a pencil or pen everyday. Bring your agenda. Bring your Reader’s/Writer’s Notebook. Bring your novel. Have a good attitude. Leave the drama at the door.
Our Day Every day will begin with a warm-up activity. The warm-up will be found on the screen and will be ready and waiting for you when you arrive. When you come in, find your seat and begin the warm-up immediately. We will go over the warm-up if needed and begin the lesson/activity. When the bell rings, I will dismiss you, not the bell. If there has been homework assigned, it is due upon entering the next day and will be your responsibility to turn in.
Classroom Supplies Paper, composition notebook, pen/pencil, red pen, highlighter, map pencils, glue, scissors, post-its, Kleenex, white construction paper. Supplies to be turned in once and should last the school year. Each student is required to have a 3-ring binder for this class and dividers to put inside. Dividers will be set up into the following sections: Agenda, Warm-Up, Notes, Writing, Vocabulary You will also need to keep notebook paper in your binder for daily use. You will need a bound composition book which will be used as your reader/writer notebook and will be kept in your notebook at all times. You will need a book for independent reading time every single day.
Classroom Procedures As you arrive- come in, get any required materials for the day from your class period crate, sit down quietly in your assigned seat and begin the warm- up. If you have a pencil that needs sharpening, it needs to be done before the bell. *I do not have a pencil sharpener, so you will need to have your own. **It is best to have more than one pencil/pen as it is extremely disruptive to interrupt to ask to sharpen or borrow another. Mechanical pencils are best. Raise your hand to speak. Ask permission before getting out of your seat.
Classroom Procedures Turning in work- There are turn in trays located on the counter by the door. That is where you will turn in class assignments and homework. Each class has its own tray that will be labeled for the class period. *Make sure you put your work in the correct turn in tray! Restroom breaks- I will not let you leave class to use the restroom. You need to take care of that in between classes.
Classroom Procedures Book Check Out Print your name, book title, and date you are checking out the book on your class period’s check out sheet. When you are ready to return the book, place it in the book drop by the door and attach a sticky note to the cover so I know who returned the book. We will have one person in charge of book returns and will rotate the job.
Absences and Late Work Absences- If you are absent from class for any reason, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed. Ask a table mate and if there are additional handouts, see me. Late work- Assignments are due on time. You have three days to turn in an assignment and for every day an assignment is late, you will lose 10 points. ***If you are absent you will have as many days to turn in your assignment as you were gone. Example- For someone who is out for two days will have two additional days to turn in the assignment.
Tips For Success Be attentive and willing to learn Be tolerant and respectful of others Contribute to class discussions appropriately Organize and maintain class binder and notebook Complete and turn in all work on time Take the initiative when you need help Follow directions Study hard, study well, and you will experience success!!!
Bell Schedule- Non-PRIDE Day Proceed to 1st 8:40 - 8:50 1st Period 8:55 - 9:48 2nd Period 9:52 - 10:42 3rd Period 10:46 - 11:36 "A" Lunch 11:40 – 12:07 4th Period 12:11 – 1:08 5th Period 1:12 - 2:02 6th Period 2:06 – 2:56 7th Period 3:00 - 3:50
Bell Schedule- PRIDE Day Proceed to 1st 8:40 - 8:50 1st Period 8:55 - 9:40 2nd Period 9:44 - 10:29 3rd Period 10:33 - 11:18 "A" Lunch 11:22 - 11:49 4th Period 11:53 - 12:49 PRIDE TIME 12:53 - 1:23 5th Period 1:27 - 2:12 6th Period 2:16 - 3:01 7th Period 3:05 - 3:50
Fire Drill Review the classroom evacuation map and behavior expectations during evacuations with students; (form a single file line as you leave the room, stay to the right hand side of the hallway while walking, no talking while exiting and returning, form up into lines in the area designated by the teacher.) Our first, unobstructed fire drill will take place Friday, September 4, during 2nd period.
Rewards for Good Behavior!! Table Wars Treasure Box/Tickets Verbal Praise Doerre Dollars
Consequences! Phone call to parent Parent communication Conduct grade Move to a new seat Talk with teacher about your problem Office referral