p. 180 text + Lessons 10-12 Vocabulary Imperfect Tense Verbs p. 180 text + Lessons 10-12 Vocabulary
disciplina, disciplinae (f.) training, instruction
lingua, linguae (f.) tongue, language
patria, patriae (f.) fatherland, country
amicitia, amicitiae (f.) friendship
gloria, gloriae (f.) glory
gratia, gratiae (f.) gratitude, influence
materia, materiae (f.) matter, timber
casa, casae (f.) house
socius, socii (m.) ally, comrade
altus, alta, altum high, tall, deep
augeo, augere (auxi, auctus) increase
doceo, docere (docui, doctus) teach
habeo, habere (habui, habitus) have, hold
terreo, terrere (terrui, territus) scare, frighten
maneo, manere (mansi, mansurus) remain
video, videre (vidi, visus) see
libero, liberare (liberavi, liberatus) free
mereo, merere (merui, meritus) deserve, earn
teneo, tenere (tenui, tentus) hold, keep
in (+ ablative) in, on
ibi there
Verb-tober-fest! You’ve already learned: Present tense verbs Future tense verbs Imperative verbs WOW…CELEBRATE!
New Tenses This Week! Imperfect Tense… a type of past tense Forms of “sum”… “sum” is a special verb with irregular forms. We’ll be working out-of-order in your book Ready? Eamus! (Let’s go!)
Imperfect Tense Text p. 180 (lesson 26) Imperfect tense is a past tense. It shows past action uncompleted. There are several ways to translate imperfect tense: was verbing used to verb kept on verbing verbed
Finding the Present Stem amo, amare laboro, laborare terreo, terrere doceo, docere specto, spectare AMA- LABORA- TERRE- DOCE- SPECTA- STEMS!
Imperfect Active Tense Endings The present active tense = Present Stem + Imperfect Active Endings Singular Plural First Person BAMUS We were… BAM I was.. BATIS You/y’all were… Second Person You were… BAS he, she, it was… BANT They were… Third Person BAT
Imperfect Tense bamus Ama bam Ama Ama batis Ama bas Ama bat Ama bant I was loving I used to love I kept on loving I loved bamus First Person We were loving (etc.) Ama bam Ama You were loving You used to love You kept on loving You loved Second Person You were loving… (etc.) Ama batis Ama bas He was loving… (etc.) Third Person They were loving (etc.) Ama bat Ama bant Imperfect Tense
Your turn! On the whiteboard, practice the imperfect tense using the verbs porto, portare: carry and doceo, docere: teach. Write the Latin and English chart. -BAM: I was… -BAMUS: We were… -BAS: you were… -BATIS: y’all were… -BAT: he/she/it was… -BANT: they were…
Imperfect Tense Practice spectabamus portabat docebas parabatis navigabam augebant We were watching He/she/it was carrying You were teaching Y’all were preparing I was sailing They were increasing
Your Turn! Time to put it all together… Present tense endings Imperfect tense endings Future tense endings Use the worksheet to practice the 3 sets of endings you’ve learned. Enjoy the ancient ghost story, too!