Rockingham County Tourism Development Authority 2015-2016 Year End Report 2013-2016 Three Year Marketing Plan Recap August 10, 2106
Collaterals Produced: 2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Collaterals Produced:
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives New Web Site:
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Social Media: Facebook & Instagram
Print Ad Series: History 2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Print Ad Series: History
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Print Ad Series: Rivers
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Print Ad Series: Trails
Print Ad Series: Special Events 2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Print Ad Series: Special Events
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Print Ad Placements: Blue Ridge Outdoors magazine Our State Magazine NC Heritage Guide Explore Rockingham County
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives VisitNC Co-op Ads: Family Fun
VisitNC Co-op Ads: Garden & Gun 2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives VisitNC Co-op Ads: Garden & Gun
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Water Recreation Video :
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives 30 Second TV Commercial:
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Digital Ads: &
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives TV & Digital Ad Results: 1,200 spots total across 3 flights (fall 2015; Spring 2016; Summer 2016) Over 510,000 impressions 55-60% Reach 3 Frequency 44% Click-through rate
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives VisitNC Social Media Spotlight: June 11, 2016 Facebook, Twitter & Instagram Over 3,000 social engagements 1.6 million+ impressions Highest performing of the year!
2015-2016 Tourism Initiatives Other: $38,000 in marketing grants PR & media pitching: UNCTV feature Live web cam with Rockingham County Radio: “RockinghCam” Water Resources Fund Grant for new Planters Road Dan River access & park Promotion of county events Tourism video won special “Judges Choice” award for tourism promotion in 2016 SEDC Communication Awards Program
2013-2016 Three Year Plan Recap Continue to build and strengthen Rockingham County’s outdoor recreation brand. Capture more of the overnight leisure travel market in the county. Enhance existing tourism attractions and help develop new ones. Recruit tourism-related businesses and industries. Create local pride. Support efforts of cities and towns in development of their specific tourism product.
2013-2016 Three Year Plan Goals Increase occupancy tax revenues by 5%. (exceeded) Increase share of leisure visitors to an average of 35% in hotels. (need to survey hotels) Recruit at least one major sporting event to be held in next fiscal year (2016-2017). (met; work with Mayodan) Continue to implement plans and activities with partners for tourism infrastructure and business development. (met; through BRAE plan) Recruit new hotel to Western side of County. (Not met) Increase number of jobs attributed to tourism. (waiting on state numbers) Maintain a quarterly PR ROI of 5 to 1. (met)
Next Steps Complete hotel survey Survey outdoor attractions Research best practices in comparable communities Add positions to TDA Board & revise statute Assist on hotel project for Western Rockingham Capitalize on opportunities to market Shiloh Airport for tourism Develop new tourism strategic plan