10I2 Julius Caesar
English 10 Do Now:5-6-13 First: read everything on this slide Turn in your Do Nows. Name, date, period on every sheet, stapled (5 Do Nows since we started Shakespeare) to the US MAIL BOX. Then, take out a sheet of loose leaf and a writing implement in the ready position to respond to the next slide.
Cassius’ character: Why is the green eyed- monster slide relevant to Cassius? What themes are being explored here?
English 10 Do Now: 5/7/13 What do we learn about the games from Casca? What physical problems does Caesar have?
English 10 5/7/13 Agenda: Finish Act I. Success today looks like: Finding a seat in the reading room that does not distract you. Staying focused so we finish the Act in class. Finding study guide answers as we go along. HW: write out answers to Act I study questions. READING CHECK QUIZ TOMORROW
English 10 DO NOW: 5-9-13 The class average on the reading check was a 73%. This data tells me that I am not teaching you well enough, unless the data is corrupted. Respond on loose leaf with full sentences: Did you make a note of question answers as we discovered them together in class? Did you write out your answers (your homework)? Did you use your notes on the test/ were they helpful? Did you ask any questions during the readings about parts you did not understand?
English 10 5-9-13 Reflective Essay Rewrite Requirements: Original essay with my grade on it STAPLED to the revised essay. One 5-7 sentence paragraph describing the changes you made. New essay in MLA format: 1 inch margins (you will need to change these in Word) Times New Roman Font size 12 Title centered not underlined or bolded or in quotes. Name, date, period in upper left hand corner You can earn up to full letter grade DUE NEXT FRIDAY
English 10 Do Now: 5-10-12 Open textbooks to Act II scene 1 and read Brutus’ opening lines Paraphrase as many as possible. What is Brutus saying about Caesar? He would be crown'd: How that might change his nature, there's the question It is the bright day that brings forth the adder; And that craves wary walking. Crown him that, And then, I grant, we put a sting in him, That at his will he may do danger with And therefore think him as a serpent's egg Which, hatch'd, would, as his kind, grow mischievous, And kill him in the shell.
The Adder and The Ladder Does a ‘climber-upper’ seem threatening by himself? What happens when you link him with a poisonous serpent? What is interesting about the fact that Brutus is walking in his orchard and thinking about breaking an oath? (Consider the biblical reference). How might a person go about recognising the potential for tyranny (a serpent’s egg) and eliminate it before it becomes dangerous? What are the risks of such an approach?
Chicken or the egg? How does this relate to Brutus’ dilemma?
‘The Adder and The Ladder’ : The Review 1 question I would like to ask… 2 things I have learned… 3 words I will remember are…
To explore Brutus’ use of language using PEEZE ACT 2 SCENE 1 L.O To explore Brutus’ use of language using PEEZE Brutus is concerned that Caesar may change if he is given the crown. He refers to Caesar’s ‘nature’ which may change after he receives the crown.
Create three review questions for your partner to answer based on Act 2, Scene 1, lines 162 – 183. What? Did? Which? Could? Who? Would? Where? Might? How? Does? Why ? Will?
Swap books and answer your partner’s questions as fully as you can Task: Swap books and answer your partner’s questions as fully as you can Discuss your responses as a group and which is the most effective response and why
In your groups discuss and rank your ideas! Diamond Nine In your groups discuss and rank your ideas!
DEVELOPING MY DRAMA ROLE To understand what my role involves and what is expected of me during the performance
Portia and Calpurnia L.O. To examine the role of the women in the play and how they add to the dramatic impact
Modern Superstitions
Can you remember the signs?
Act Two, Scene Two What is Caesar’s initial reaction to Calphurnia’s plead not to attend the senate that day? How does Calphurnia convince Caesar to do as she wishes? What does Decius say which convinces Caesar that he must go to the senate that day in spite of Calphurnia’s warning? What does this reveal about Caesar? How is superstition linked to the social and historical context of the play? Consider the spiritual beliefs of Romans at this time.
How do the female characters add to the sense of foreboding How do the female characters add to the sense of foreboding? Make a list of appropriate quotations
How do the female characters add to the sense of foreboding How do the female characters add to the sense of foreboding? Make a list of appropriate quotations P E Z Make a point about a female character What is your evidence? Add a detailed explanation discussing the effect on the rest of the play Zoom in on a word if possible and appropriate See if you can develop the explanation further
To be able to look at Caesar’s role before he dies The Murder Scene L.O. To be able to look at Caesar’s role before he dies To explore Caesar’s role in the play
Caesar’s Character Look at the following vocabulary and make sure you are able to define each word Are these characteristics a true reflection of Caesar’s character? Do you disagree with any and can you find the evidence?
‘…I am constant as the northern star…’ Julius Caesar Key Vocabulary Stubborn Constant Pragmatic Changeable Steadfast ‘…I am constant as the northern star…’ Julius Caesar
LIGHT IMAGERY – CAESAR’S SPEECH PAGE 113 Why is it important that light imagery is used by Caesar at this point in the play? What does it reveal about his character?
LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING PICTURES: Explore the pictures and think about how they have imagined the death of Caesar Do you notice any patterns?
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FvgP5hO99o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je0gTnheVe4&featur e=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9H-Kztt6WpM
What role has Julius Caesar played in the play so far? PLENARY: What role has Julius Caesar played in the play so far? What surprises you about his early death considering the play is called ‘Julius Caesar’?
To take part in a drama task to explore Caesar’s assassination Antony’s Reaction L.O. To be able to examine Antony’s role in the play and his immediate reaction To take part in a drama task to explore Caesar’s assassination
Antony’s speech Work in small groups to read out Antony’s speech to show his anger at what has happened What words would you focus on?
‘I am meek and gentle with these butchers…’ ‘And dreadful objects so familiar, That mothers shall but smile when they behold Their infants quartered with the hands of war; all pity choked…’ Antony’s Reaction! ‘Domestic fury, and fierce civil strife shall cumber all the parts of Italy…’ ‘…And Caesar’s spirit ranging for revenge, With Ate by his side come hot from hell…’ ‘I am meek and gentle with these butchers…’
PEEZE Select one quotation and write a PEEZE paragraph to explore how Antony may feel at the death of his friend
Act Three, Scene One, Review Why is it important for the conspirators to get Antony out of the way? What do Caesar’s last words tell us about his feelings for Brutus? How is the action of lines 105-107 connected with Calphurnia? Through which character does Shakespeare warn the audience that Antony could mean trouble for the conspirators? What does Antony really think of the conspirators? Do you think Octavius’ arrival signals good news or bad news of the conspirators? Why?
Elizabethan Audience’s Reaction to Antony’s soliloquy? Modern Audience’s Response to Antony’s soliloquy?
Figurative Language in Rhetorical Questions… Brutus’s Speech Rhetorical Questions… Emotive Language… Opposites… Repetition… ‘Who is here so base, that would be a bondman…?’ ‘…I loved Rome more…’ ‘Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves…’ ‘…Who is here so base?’ ‘…Who is here so rude?’
Figurative Language in Rhetorical Questions… Antony’s Speech Rhetorical Questions… Emotive Language… Opposites… Repetition… ‘Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?’ ‘My heart is in the coffin there with Caesar…’ ‘The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones…’ ‘And Brutus is an honourable man…’
Summarise last lesson in 18 words Get Thinking . . . Summarise last lesson in 18 words OR Unscramble the following anagrams they are key words for today’ s lesson and will help you think about our learning objectives: niimabto launhoorbe shapto
Venn Diagram: Brutus and Antony’s Speeches
Close Textual Analysis How does Mark Antony feel about Caesar’s assassination? What words does he use to express his feelings? How do you think he would have delivered his speech? Consider his tone of voice, mood and attitude. Note the order of the speech – do you think he might at any point: whisper, cry or yell? What impact does the speech have on the crowd?
Dramatic Definitions A still image is a freeze-frame of a particularly dramatic moment in a performance. Using levels, posture, facial expressions and body language the actors can communicate a great deal to the audience about what has taken place without having to move or speak. See the example in this short clip. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/drama/activities/still_image/still_image.shtml
Cross-cutting is an dramatic technique most often used to establish action occurring at the same time in two different locations. In a cross-cut, the audience’s focus will move away from one action to another action, which can suggest the simultaneity of these two actions. Suspense may be added by cross-cutting. It is built through the expectations that it creates and in the hopes that it will be explained with time. Cross-cutting also forms parallels; it illustrates a narrative action that happens in several places at approximately the same time.
Act Four, Scene Three Read lines 9-12. What is Brutus accusing Cassius of? Read lines 18-28. What does this speech reveal to you about Brutus’s character and his motive for killing Caesar? (PEE) Read lines 42-49. Put yourself in Cassius’s shoes. How might Brutus’s words here make you even more angry? (Think of a time when you were really angry and someone laughed at you for it. How did it make you feel?) Read lines 65-83. Which famous fictional character can you compare Brutus to based upon this speech? Give reasons for your choice. Read lines 100-107. Compare the ways in which an Elizabethan and a modern audience might react to this speech.
Brutus’ Problems Cassius’ past behaviour Cassius’ present attitude Portia’s death Cassius’ accusations the poet’s interruption news of the death of 100 senators news of the approaching armies Caesar’s ghost
Defining Foreboding a feeling of evil to come an unfavourable omen fateful: ominously prophetic
Balloon Debate Who should go overboard: Antony? Cassius? Brutus? A balloon debate is a debate in which a number of speakers attempt to win the approval of an audience. The audience is invited to imagine that the speakers are flying in a hot-air balloon which is sinking and that someone must be thrown out if everyone is not to die. Each speaker has to make the case why they should not be thrown out of the balloon to save the remainder. Who should go overboard: Antony? Cassius? Brutus?
Tension Graph Using the ‘plot at a glance’ reference on page 228, complete a tension graph for the plot of ‘Julius Caesar’.