a b LB T-DNA RB Par1-5 WT PAR1/LAT4 Actin2 5’UTR 3’UTR At1g31830 Intron c d WT par1-5 WT par1-5 Supplementary Figure S1. Isolation of homozygous par1-5 mutant line in Arabidopsis. Position of the T-DNA in the exon of the PAR1/LAT4 gene. Black and bold arrows indicate the position of primers used in the three-primer PCR. Grey and thin arrows indicate the position of primers used in RT-PCR. LB, left border; RB, right border; UTR, untranslated region. RT-PCR shows the absence of PAR1/LAT4 transcript in the Salk_119707 line. The homozygous par1-5 mutant shows reduced shoot growth compared to wild type (WT) on fertilized potting mixture containing both organic and inorganic nitrogen. In MS medium containing nitrate as source of nitrogen, mutant shows reduced shoot growth compared to WT.