Campus overall 2017 CaSE Rating: Recognized Garden Park Elem. Campus overall 2017 CaSE Rating: Recognized BISD is rated overall Recognized for CaSE House Bill 5, Section 46; Texas Education Code Section 39.0545
Fine Arts Program rated Recognized Fine Arts Program Events & Activities Fine Arts Program rated Recognized Students at Garden Park Elementary showcase their talents in various Fine Arts events and activities through Choir, Estudiantina, and Ballroom Dancing. Students perform at concerts, competitions, parades, holiday programs, and talent shows. Practice occurs during and after the school day for performances. Garden Park Elementary
Wellness Program rated Recognized Wellness and Physical Education Students at Garden Park Elementary participate in CATCH, Fitness Gram, and Wellness exercises to stay active and healthy. Students participate in various sports teams such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, and running club. Students also take part in events such as 5K Races, Jump Rope for Heart, and the annual BISD Track Meet. Garden Park Elementary
Community and Parental Involvement rated Recognized Parents and community members at Garden Park Elementary contribute to student success. Parents are encouraged to attend weekly meetings to promote campus programs and learning strategies to support students at home. Students also participated in the Toy & Clothing Donation community service projects. Garden Park Elementary
21st Century Workforce Development rated Recognized 21st Century Workforce Development Events Students at Garden Park Elementary participate in college/career exploration activities and interact with college representatives and working professionals. Students also participate in GenerationTX Day by wearing their favorite college or university shirt to show support in preparing our next generation of students for college careers. Garden Park Elementary
Second Language Acquisition rated Exemplary Second Language Acquisition Activities Students at Garden Park Elementary participate in cultural awareness experiences such as El Día del Muertos, Charro Days, Black History Month, and Cinco de Mayo. ELL students also receive sheltered instruction and weekly interventions reflecting academic and linguistic support from their classroom teachers. Garden Park Elementary
Digital Learning Environment rated Recognized Digital Learning Environment Recognition Garden Park Elementary offers parents access to student, school, and district information through the campus website. Campus faculty utilize Office 365 to share campus data and resources with district members. Technology such as iPads, laptops, and computer labs are used by students to access online programs such as Learning A-Z, Istation, DreamBox Math, and Think Through Math. Garden Park Elementary
Dropout Preventions Strategies rated Recognized Dropout Preventions Strategies-Extended Day Garden Park Elementary offers students the opportunity to participate in the Extended Day Program and/or before/after school tutorials as needed for interventions. Needs based enrichment activities and data driven instruction are utilized by teachers to support dropout prevention and student success. Garden Park Elementary
Educational Programs for G/T rated Recognized Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students in the Gifted and Talented Program at Garden Park Elementary participate in showcase opportunities including BISD Brainsville, Science Fair, UIL, Destination Imagination, and Chess. Garden Park students placed at district, state, and national competitions throughout the school year. Garden Park Elementary