Storage of chemicals in packaged form. SafetyNet educations Course – PGS15 guideline Storage of chemicals in packaged form.
SafetyNet educations PGS15 guideline The Sandoz disaster in Basel in 1986 gave rise to the development of a number of guidelines for the storage of packaged hazardous substances, the CPR 15 directives. The guidelines in the CPR 15 Series were updated in 2005 in the new directive: the Publication Series Hazardous Materials 15. With this the requirements for the storage of dangerous goods in packaged form in the Netherlands have been published in a clear guideline: the PGS15. Course – PGS15 guideline
SafetyNet educations Guideline or law This “best practice” PGS15 was created by representatives of businesses and government in the Netherlands, and is regularly updated by these same parties. It is used for licensing and is included in national laws and regulations. Course – PGS15 guideline
PGS15 in chapters 2016 H3 H3 / t/m 10 ton H4 > 10 000 kg H5 SafetyNet educations PGS15 in chapters 2016 H3 H3 / t/m 10 ton H4 > 10 000 kg H5 Facilities for the temporary storage of packaged hazardous substances H6 Storage of gas cylinders H7 Storage of aerosols and gas cartridges H8 Storage of packaged hazardous materials class 4.1, 4.2 en 4.3 H9 Storage of ADR 5.2 in LQ H10 Requirements for storage ( tank) containers Course – PGS15 guideline
On the left you will find the contents of the other chapters. SafetyNet educations PGS15 in chapters You will find the general rules for storage facilities (for whom the PGS15 is in scope) up to and including 10 ton chemical product in chapter 3 of the PGS15. For storage facilities above 10 ton chapter 4 also applies. On the left you will find the contents of the other chapters. 2016 H3 H3 / t/m 10 ton H4 > 10 000 kg H5 Facilities for the temporary storage of packaged hazardous substances H6 Storage of gas cylinders H7 Storage of aerosols and gas cartridges H8 Storage of packaged hazardous materials class 4.1, 4.2 en 4.3 H9 Storage of ADR 5.2 in LQ H10 Requirements for storage ( tank) containers Course – PGS15 guideline
SafetyNet educations Guideline or law What is in scope of the PGS15 and what is not (version 2016) In the 1st column you will find the ADR classes, what is scope in the PGS15 is mentioned in the 2nd column and in the 3rd column you will find what is not in scope of the PGS15 Course – PGS15 guideline
As you can see aerosols are in scope of the PGS15, but for example, a CO2 gas bottle in a bar does not. SafetyNet educations Guideline or law And see that alcoholic beverages are not in scope of the PGS15, but most flammable paints (ADR 3) are. Course – PGS15 guideline
SafetyNet educations Guideline or law And do you see that only UN No. 3082 and UN3077 of the ADR are in scope of the PGS15 and the other UN numbers in Class 9 are not. Course – PGS15 guideline
Also Chemical waste is in scope of the PGS15. SafetyNet educations Guideline or law Also Chemical waste is in scope of the PGS15. Course – PGS15 guideline
SafetyNet educations Next to exclusions (what is in scope of the PGS15 and what is not) there is also a lower limit (as from this amount the PGS15 is in scope). Course – PGS15 guideline
SafetyNet educations For example: ADR 3 packing group II: only from 25 kg or 25 liters the PGS15 is in scope. Other example: If you have only 200 liters of ADR 8 in storage, the PGS15 is not in scope. If you also have 100 liters ADR 3 packing group III, you will have too much here and the PGS15 is in scope. Course – PGS15 guideline
Stock waiting for production SafetyNet educations Stock waiting for production A stock of chemical products waiting for production is not in scope of the PGS15. The stock must be strictly necessary. Its size should in principle not be more than the use of a day or a batch. Hazardous substances which await storage or disposal do not fall within the definition of this temporary stock. Course – PGS15 guideline
Specific requirements for the temporary stock SafetyNet educations Specific requirements for the temporary stock The chemical substances waiting for production must be strictly necessary; Per hazardous substance, no more than one packed unit may be present, plus one reserve. The storage of the temporary stock may not be in a route of forklift or other means of transport; The hazardous substances present in a production - or workplace or near a process plant must be stored in a properly closed package that is resistant to the hazardous substance in question. If the temporary stock consists of an amount of more than 50 liters, the package must be placed above a liquid-proof leak box or equivalent (or if the floor of the production / workspace is at least liquid-tight it can be considered as the same). However, for flammable liquids, a drip tray or other equivalent equipment is always required. A bottle of gas bottle can also be considered as a temporary stock. Course – PGS15 guideline
Filling in a storage facility SafetyNet educations Filling in a storage facility No filling is allowed in a storage facility. Repacking shall take place only if the primary packaging is not opened. Course – PGS15 guideline
Empy uncleaned containers SafetyNet educations Empy uncleaned containers Empty uncleaned containers should be stored in accordance with the requirements of the PGS15 unless appropriate measures are taken to eliminate potential hazards. A package is empty when the content has been removed with the conventional techniques , e.g. casting, pumping, aspirating , shaking , scraping, or a combination of these techniques. The empty uncleaned containers must be closed in the same manner and are equipped with all labels and texts as they were full. Course – PGS15 guideline
SafetyNet educations Pallet wrap machine Pallet wrap machines have not been mentioned in the PGS15 until now. That has changed now. Wrap machines are only allowed in a chemical storage facility if the following conditions are met: The machine must be strictly necessary for the logistics process; If there is no staff in the storage facility, this equipment must be voltage-free; A minimum of 3.5 meters distance from the storage of hazardous substances must be observed. The equipment must be periodically maintained in accordance with the terms of the supplier; The equipment must be equipped with an emergency stop (standard requirement from machinery and regulations); Electrical equipment must comply with the relevant NEN standards for installation and maintenance. Course – PGS15 guideline
Crossdock chemicals for use in your facility SafetyNet educations Crossdock chemicals for use in your facility Dangerous substances for use within the premises must be placed as soon as possible in the designated storage facility. In the meantime, they are in a temporary storage facility Explanation: Someone must be demonstrably and effectively engaged in the incoming goods to bring them to the storage facility. This requirement is designed to safely store incoming goods within a reasonable period of time and at the latest within 12 hours. Course – PGS15 guideline
Crossdock chemicals for distribution SafetyNet educations Crossdock chemicals for distribution A crossdock with third-party products usually aims to regroup products for further continuation in the logistics chain. A distinction is made between facilities with up to 10 tonnes of hazardous goods per fire compartment and per facility (max 20 tonnes total including merchandise goods / max 2 tons of combustible!), With up to 10 tonnes of hazardous goods when trained personnel is in the facility (with 2 meters distance to other products) and up to 30 tons (max 20 tonnes included / 2 x 50 kg extinguishers / lane 3.5 meters) hazardous substances per fire compartment. Crossdock of more than 30 tons is often present with fire fighting equipment. Course – PGS15 guideline
PGS15 and the separation of substances SafetyNet educations PGS15 and the separation of substances An important line of defense (safety measure) would be the separation of substances that may react with each other. For example: V: Storage of substances to be divided into separate compartments. B: Separate storage unless classified as not to provide a reaction when combined or if both substances are classified as solids Course – PGS15 guideline
PGS15 and the separation of substances SafetyNet educations PGS15 and the separation of substances Conform the separation first rule class 3 (flammable liquids) must be separated from ADR 5.1 (oxidising substances) and the second rule acid products must be separated from logs (both ADR class 8). With the PGS15 table below you don’t have a good view what to separate and what not. For this get the info from the MSDS of your product (section 7 of the safety data sheet). V: Storage of substances to be divided into separate compartments. B: Separate storage unless classified as not to provide a reaction when combined or if both substances are classified as solids Course – PGS15 guideline
Go to the Mainmenu to start your third Module. SafetyNet educations Go to the Mainmenu to start your third Module. Course – PGS15 guideline